How To Get More Viral Traffic From Facebook: 7 Tips To Get More Viral Traffic From Facebook

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on May 14, 2011
Posted Under: Facebook

Here are 7 tips to get more viral traffic from Facebook quickly and more effectively.


As you learn how to use Facebook effectively, you’ll also learn how to leverage the source of Facebook’s traffic, to be able to get more viral traffic from Facebook for yourself.

  • Get Friendly Quick

In order to make any money in social networking, friends are an absolute necessity. So, get more friends as quickly as possible!  The faster you acquire more new friends, the easier it is to get more viral traffic from Facebook. The more friends you have, the more visible your business becomes and ultimately this leads to more sales and cash in your pocket.

  • Develop A Blog For Your Business

Developing a blog is a great way to spread the word about your business. You can then incorporate your blog into your Facebook account along with an RSS feed for your readers to follow you on.  To get more viral traffic from Facebook you can also post comments on other like minded blogs with link backs to your site.

  • Become Photogenic

To get more viral traffic from Facebook you need to upload a photogenic picture of yourself and plaster it everywhere you can.  Uploading a picture of yourself will get your articles a lot more views and comments than an article without a picture.

Attaching a picture to your name makes people more comfortable and trust you more, plus people will recognize that you are not a spammer.   Spammers seldom take time to upload pictures of themselves.

  • Put Everything You Can On Your Profile Page

To get the most exposure possible and to get more viral traffic from Facebook, it’s important that you link all of your social network profiles and projects on your profile page. Make sure your profile page is attractive looking and that your your blog’s RSS feed is also promoted on it.

  • Remember That Content Is Still King

To get more viral traffic from Facebook it pays to be a good writer.  If you are in a popular niche and you are a good writer, then success in social networking will not be a problem for you. Creating good interesting content is the key to getting people’s interest. Unless you provide people with good content, people will not take the time to read your articles.  Articles that include bullet points or lists usually get read more frequently, so try to write articles with titles like:  ” The 7 Reasons Why …” or “10 Secrets To A ….” etc.

  • Try Using The Notes and Events Features

A great way to gain more exposure in your business is to send notes using the Notes and Events Features.  Your friends are likely pass them on to their friends if they like it and everyone benefits.

  • Lastly, Give Something Away For Nothing

A great way to get more viral traffic from Facebook is to give away something that is related to your niche for free.  Your social networking friends will be appreciative and you can count on them coming back for more.

People love taking advantage of free stuff; so why not offer them an ebook, video, software script, article or whatever that is relative to your market niche?  Anything of benefit to people in your niche will do.

Capitalizing on the social networking phenomenon can only be limited only by your imagination and abilities; so consider these 7 tips to get more viral traffic from Facebook to be only the tip of the iceberg of ideas.

Reader Comments


  1. More Reasons To Use Facebook  on February 4th, 2012 @ 9:57 pm

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