Using Banner Advertisements To Promote Your Website
Posted Under: Traffic Generation
There is a great deal of debate about using banner advertisements to promote your website however, one thing is definite, banner advertisements will bring in a significant number of visitors.
For high traffic websites, monthly advertising fees can be quite expensive.
However, it is probably cheaper, and in the long run much faster, using banner advertisements to promote your website, than it is to wait for conventional search engine optimization techniques to get your website to the top of the search engine results page. Organic optimizing techniques can often take as long as a year to become effective.
Using banner advertisements to promote your website is a quick way of generating significant revenue from your website marketing efforts.
You can either pay to advertise on someone else’s website, or you can take advantage of one of the many free banner exchanges.
Below we briefly look at the pros and cons of each banner advertisement method.
- Using Free Banner Exchanges
Free banner exchanges, are exactly what the name implies. Yours and other websites, freely exchange each others banners. Your banner is placed on their website, and their banner is placed on your site without any monetary compensation.
Although using banner advertisements to promote your website is free, there are two problems with using them.
First; in order to get your banner on a significant number of websites, you could wind up cluttering your own website with too many banners. And, if you are running an affiliate website; your website visitors my be clicking on your banner exchange links, instead of your affiliate links where you make your money.
Second; some websites like to accumulate a lot of banners. They function as a portal site, or a directory, without having any real content on their website. You need to be particularly careful and very choosey about exchanging banners with these websites.
All you wind up doing for these ‘link farms’ or ‘banner farms’, is bring them traffic. Nothing is really gained by exchanging links with ‘link farms’, in fact they can actually hurt your ranking with the search engines.
- Using Paid Banner Advertisements
Using paid banner advertisements will cost you money; but if you choose the right one, they can produce very good results.
Choose a site that doesn’t have too many other banners placed on the same page as yours. The site should also not have any of your competitors links on the same page that your banner resides.
It’s also a good idea to make sure that the site you choose produces the amount of traffic that they say they will, and that your ad is placed in a position that invites visitors to click without being to ‘pushy’.
If you approach it in the right way and heed the tips you have just read about, using banner advertisements to promote your website can be an extremely profitable marketing strategy.