5 Website Design Rules To Remember

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on August 25, 2009
Posted Under: Website Usability

You should always pay extra attention to every little detail of your website, to ensure that it performs optimally, and serves its intended purpose.

Here are five website design rules that you should remember, to make sure your website performs the way it was intended to.

  • Avoid using splash pages in your website design.

Splash pages usually have pretty images with introductory words like “welcome” or “to enter, click here”.

Although they are often the very first page you see when you come to a website, they serve no useful purpose other than giving the visitor a reason to click on the back button and get out of the site.

The first website design rule to remember is to give your visitors some valuable content right out of the box and avoid the splash page.

  • Avoid using excessive banner advertisements in your web pages.

Everyone who uses the Internet on a regular basis, has become numb to banner advertisements.  They are occasionally clicked on, but generally are a waste of valuable web space.

It’s much better giving your website visitors the valuable content that they came to your website for in the first place. You can place your relevant affiliate links into the body of your content pages.

Visitors hate to feel like they are being forced to purchase a commodity, which is exactly what banners tend to do.

  • Another good website design rule to remember, is to provide simple, straightforward navigation for your site.

A clear and simple, no “frills” navigation menu, that even a small child can easily use; is what you should be trying to achieve on your site.

Keep it simple and avoid using multi tiered, drop down menus, or flash based menus.  Avoid anything that could confuse  your visitor and cause them to leave your site.

Make sure your visitor always knows where they are on your website.

Your visitor should always have a clear indication as to where they are on your website at any given moment.

Your areas should be boldly marked as should your navigation boxes.
Don’t confuse your visitors or they may leave your site.

  • Unless you have Mp3 files to download, avoid using audio on your website.

You are trying to get your visitor to stay awhile on your website.

A good website design rule to remember, is to avoid playing an irritating audio loop on your site, when your intent is to keep your visitors reading relevant information.

If you hope to keep your visitors reading on your site for any length of time, don’t play any music!

If for some reason you’re hung up on it, or think it’s cool and just have to have it in the background; make sure you provide a volume and mute control so your visitors can shut it off.

There have been several times when I have left a website because I couldn’t mute the music.

These 5 website design rules should keep visitors on your website longer and increase your bottom line.

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