Home Based Internet Marketing Information: Natural Back Link Building

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on June 1, 2011
Posted Under: Internet Marketing Information,Search Engine Optimization

link-buildingNatural back link building

has become one of the main SEO activities for many home based internet marketing information business online.

Unfortunately, not every online business has the same definition of what natural back link building is.

A natural link is simply a link you get from someone who found your page and decided to link to it on their own volition and without any direct influence from you.

A large number of businesses spend a lot of time and money trying to improve their ranking in the S.E.R.P.s using natural back link building SEO techniques.

Because back links make up over 90% of Google’s ranking, many businesses misunderstand the concept of back linking and dive headlong into getting as many back links as possible from any place they can, at whatever the cost.

They fail to realize that not all back links are good links and that some back links can hurt your company more than help it.

Google designed their ranking system to reward good sites that get natural back links to them.  That is why natural back link building using search engine optimization techniques the right way is so important.

Getting the right links the right way can be incredibly difficult if you try to do it manually, but you can’t just sit around and wait for sites to link back to you.

You have to do it but you need to be very careful when building back links.  There are some “rouge” techniques that can cause you problems and get your site marked by Google.  If this happens, you might just as well start over.

Here are some of the most deadly S.E.O. link building mistakes you need to avoid at all costs.

Avoid Link Exchanges

Google can easily trace reciprocal links and these days they don’t count for much anymore.  Getting back links from link exchange networks can hurt your business, not help it.

Exchanging links as a link building strategy is a definite NO NO.

Avoid Purchasing Link Packages

Most of the time, link packages broadcast ads to classified sites or other spam filled networks and are in the same category as spam email lists. Don’t use them.

You could find your website linked to a Google banned site that could really screw up your corporate image.

Avoid Not Using Anchor Text

Making your links relevant increases the perceived value of each back link.  You can use anchor text that is related to the content of your website to give your site “link juice”.

If you go about building a ton of natural back links using SEO techniques that gets only random links without any relevant anchor text in your site, your site could be flagged as a spam site.

Avoid Building Links From Non Indexed Websites

In order for a back link to count with Google, it has to be coming from an indexed web page.

Many people waste a lot of time building back links on non indexed sites only to find out later, that it means nothing to Google.

Avoid Building Links Too Quickly

If you start building back links too quickly, like getting 500 links overnight from one site, alarm bells will start going off all over the place with Google.

Building slow consistent back links from a variety of related websites is the natural way that back links normally occur on a website.

Google’s page rank system was designed to work organically and when an influx of inorganic links hit a site at one time, Google will take notice,  especially with new websites.

Avoid Being Irrelevant

It’s Google’s business is to provide the most up to date relevant information for every web search that is conducted on Google.

That is why relevant back links from related sites count so much towards improving your page rank.

Back links from relevant authority sites that would naturally link to your site tell Google that your site is important whereas random links from unrelated websites do nothing for your ranking status.

Avoid Purchasing Links

Many link networks online now sell links on high PR sites.  These high PR back links can sell for as much as $200 per month or even more depending on the niche topic.

The problem with purchasing links,  is that people lured by the prospect of instant results are buying links like there’s no tomorrow and it is gradually becoming out of vogue.

Google has caught on to the practice and is slapping page rank when they discover it.  They obviously can trace publicly traded links, trace them to the recipient and penalize them.

Avoid falling for the “quick fix” that so many link building services promise.

For more consistent long term traffic to your website; always go for relevant one way back links, with a high page rank, that look as organic as possible.

Natural looking back links that are built slow and steady will keep sending traffic to your business website for a long time to come.

Natural back link building is the safest way to go with Google.

Reader Comments

Yes we need know about back link building, back link building Google designed their ranking to reward well sites that get natural back links to them and that is why natural back link building using SEO techniques the right way is so very important we have to do it but we need to be very careful when building back links, nice blog and very good information in this blog.

Written By Best SEO Agency on June 2nd, 2011 @ 5:49 am

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