Making Your YouTube Videos As Electrifying As Possible

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on July 29, 2011
Posted Under: Video Marketing

video_camerasBy making your YouTube videos as electrifying as possible, you can be assured that you have at least a chance of getting your video to go viral.

Assuming you already have the basics in place like getting the Title, Description, Tags, etc. correct; you will need to add some additional value to your videos.

The most important thing you need to remember is to create videos that have some value and that are worthy of being spread around the Internet.

Videos that eventually go viral almost always have something of value for the viewer that makes them worthy of being passed on to others.

If you don’t have a great video, no one is going to spread it for you.   Bad videos are not “spread worthy” and never go viral.

To make your videos spread worthy, you need to consider a few things that will help them spread around the Internet more easily.

The production quality of your videos is important.

Your videos don’t necessarily have to be up to Hollywood standards, but they should be as professional as possible.

There are two things that will make your videos appear more professional to your viewers.

  • A Good Sound Track
  • Superior Image Quality

You can add considerable value to your video just by adding some sound effects or a good sound track to your video.

Adding other video clips or pictures to your video can also spice up your video and add to it’s value.

The key to making your YouTube videos as electrifying as possible, is to add so much value to your videos that viewers will want to spread the word about your video to others.

You can do that by:

Being Different

    Search the Internet and see why viral videos are different from the average “run of the mill” videos. Look at what is actually working and you’ll find that the good viral videos are just a little bit different from their counterparts that don’t make the “cut”.

    People like to spread videos that are a little bit “different”.

Making Your Videos As Exciting As Possible

    Think how you can make your videos exciting to your viewers.  This does not mean they must be exciting to you, just your viewers.  Consider what your viewers would consider exciting and then incorporate it in your video.

Making Your Videos Funny

    We’re not all comedians and if you’re not funny, don’t force it.  It will show.
    Funny videos have a better than average chance of going viral, so if you are a naturally funny person, go for it.  Humor is always contagious.

Making Your Videos Interesting and Compelling

    “How to” videos are some of the most watched videos on YouTube. If you are knowledgeable on any subject, consider making a “How To” video that is different, humorous, controversial and maybe even exciting.

Making Your Video Somewhat Controversial

    Controversy creates “Buzz” on YouTube and can spread like wildfire when done in a professional manner.

    As long as you can follow YouTube’s guidelines and are not hateful or mean to others, controversial subjects can spread like a true virus on the Internet.

    Our current economical and political situation can provide you with plenty of controversial topics.

Making An Excellent Video For Your Viewers

    Viewers who consider your videos professional, above average or excellent will more readily pass them on to others.

    Excellence in anything stands out and this is especially true when making videos.  If you can implant in the minds of your viewers the idea of excellence; your video will have an excellent chance of going viral.

Making your YouTube videos as electrifying as possible isn’t all that difficult as long as you plan ahead and incorporate some of the above ideas as you create them.

Reader Comments

Like the new design. I enjoyed this article. Credit for your superb entry.

Written By Jeanette on August 2nd, 2011 @ 10:34 am

Exactly where is the facebook like link?

Written By Romaine on August 4th, 2011 @ 2:33 pm

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