Implementing Your Article Marketing Strategy
Posted Under: Article Marketing Information
When implementing your article marketing strategy to build organic traffic to your website, there are several tactics you can employ to get the attention of Google’s search engine.
Make a habit of getting the original content articles to your main article site, out to a few different Article Directory sites on a regular basis.
Try submitting your original unique article content about once a week, or more per week if your are able. The more articles you submit, the more your website url will be found on the web and the more one way links you are likely to generate back to your site.
Your goal should be writing 3 articles per week to at least two article directories.
Submitting your own unique original content is preferred however, you can use a Private Label Rights (PLR) article, edited to be original content, if you run into writers block.
Implementing your article marketing strategy gets faster, once you become established as an “expert author” with any of the article directory sites.
Some sites will require that you submit 10 articles or more, before they step up the number of articles they will expeditiously approve for you, and others will require less. is highly reputed, and if you are using only one article directory for implementing your article marketing strategy, this is the one to start with.
Submit at least one article per week to ezinearticles, for at least 6 to 12 weeks. Then switch to another article directory site, submit a couple of articles, and then return to ezinearticles for a month or so.
Set up a submission pattern with 3 or 4 article directory sites, and continue using it. Every other day, submit an original article to one of the article directory sites
Depending on how much time and energy you have for implementing your article marketing strategy, you can make up any cycle you want. Just remember that the more aggressive you are, the better your business will grow.
When implementing your article marketing strategy to build organic traffic to your website, remember to DEEP LINK from your resource box to different pages of your website using link text.
Instead of only showing the plain URL of your website, use it along with text links. This way you can deep link to two or more different pages of your website using the same article.
Always try to tie your article into the blog post it is linking to.
The goal is to have the longtail keyword phrase in your article link, pointing to the same longtail keyword phrase in your blog post.
Some article directories allow you to add links to your website, in the body of the article, if it is done naturally. You need to be careful not to over promote your website or your article submission will be rejected.
When implementing your article marketing strategy with Ezinearticles, you need to be on your toes. They, and some of the other article directories, don’t allow links in the article body that go directly to your website. They only allow resource site links that contribute to your article.
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