Article Marketing Tweaks You Need To Know

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on January 24, 2010
Posted Under: Article Marketing Information

We all know how effective article marketing is in generating backlinks and increasing web traffic, so here are some article marketing tweaks you need to know to improve your writing.

When creating your articles, after your initial rewrite, it pays to tweak them a bit to increase their effectiveness.

  • Center your article around a primary keyword, or keyword phrase.

This will get visitors who are searching for the specific topic you are writing about, to your web page.

The most important thing you can do, is to make sure that your article has keywords that are related to your web site.

For example; if you run a website on fishing the Indian River; your articles must be about the Indian River, fishing, fishing equipment,lures, or techniques.

  • Article Marketing Tweaks You Need To Know About Long Tailed Keywords.

Use ‘long tailed keywords’ whenever possible to describe the topic of your article.

Long tailed keywords are extremely specific 3,4 5, or more word phrases, that describe exactly what you are writing about, or marketing.

Some of the article marketing tweaks you need to know about are essential; and using long tailed keywords is definitely one of these.

A person using a long tailed keyword phrase of 6 words or more, is a person that knows specifically what they want, and is ready to buy!

All they are doing is looking for the product they are after in the search engine results; and if your product is found, there is a more than likely chance it will be purchased.

People who use specific long tailed phrases in their searches are not surfing or ‘window shopping’; they are buyers.

By using this article marketing tweak, you can focus on any niche market, and by using different long tailed keyword phrases, get enough qualified visitors to start earning a substantial amount of money.

In addition to getting visitors to your web site that are ‘Ready To Buy’; using long tailed keyword phrases will give you much less competition than generic keywords.

An angler searching for “D.O.A. Glow Shrimp 3 Pack” is looking to purchase this item.

Using this keyword phrase in an article will get them to your website faster, than using a generic search term such as “plastic baits” or “fishing lures”.

Additionally, your competition for the long tailed search term is much less than for “fishing lures” or “plastic baits”.

  • Article Marketing Tweaks You Need To Know About Keyword Density

An effective article must have a keyword density that is between 1% and 2%.

The keyword density is the number of times you use a keyword, or keyword phrase in an article.

The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of times your keyword phrase is used in the article, by the total number of words in your article.

If you use a keyword too many times in a short article, you lose human readability, and could have your article flagged as spam by the search engines.

If you don’t use keywords enough in your article, you lose effectiveness.

Ezine Articles and several other directories will not accept an article that has a keyword density of 2% or over.   So, you should keep that in mind when writing your articles, or it will be rejected.

A good general rule of thumb, is to try and use your keyword phrase at least once for every 100 words written.

Write naturally, as if you are speaking to another person, and use short descriptive phrases.

Keep your keyword phrases as close to the beginning of the article as possible, and end your article with the keyword phrase in the last paragraph.

With practice, writing your articles using long tailed keywords, will come naturally.

These article marketing tweaks you need to know should increase your website traffic and improve your writing effectiveness.

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