Money Making Tips For HubPages
Posted Under: Internet Marketing Information
Most HubPage users would like to earn more money with their AdSense earnings however, there are some money making tips for HubPages you need to know about, that could start you earning up to $100 a day.
Since HubPages doesn’t allow you to customize your AdSense ads, most of the usual AdSense optimization strategies are useless.
Although there is no guarantee that the following money making tips for HubPages will earn you this amount; if you put in the time and effort you will definitely increase your earnings.
- Make your initial paragraph content relatively large.
Write a minimum 200 word paragraph, as the first module of your hubpages. This allows HubPages to insert a 336 x 250 medium rectangle adsense ad beside the paragraph.
The purpose of this is to give your visitors a better chance to view your adsense ads, and it allows the maximum amount of advertising, beside your main content.
- Never insert images next to your first paragraph.
If you need to have an image to focus attention to your article, make sure you insert it just below the first paragraph.
HubPages displays the first image in your hub, in the front page thumbnails.
Don’t include and RSS, News, or Link modules, beside your first paragraph.
All of your published hubs should have long first paragraphs; if they do not, go back and revise your hubs.
- Write on popular topics.
Pick good popular subjects to write about.
Fitness, health, beauty, finance, home tips, product reviews, and ‘how to’ articles, are all good subjects for AdSense ads. Make your HubPages about these topics to get the most interest.
- Avoid photo galleries.
Although photo galleries will attract visitors to your hubs, they do not earn much revenue from AdSense ads. Photos do not generate AdSense clicks.
- Rich text hubs attract AdSense clicks.
To get more quality AdSense ads, make your hubs rich in text, and loaded with keywords. It is extremely important to load your text with keywords that adequitely describe what your hub is all about.
Place your keyword or keyword phrase in the very beginning, in the first paragraph, and at the end of your last
If you have only images or photo galleries in your HubPage, the adsense engine confuses the topic of the content, and will include off subject, junk AdSense ads, that earn very little per click.
- Create an attractive interesting title
Make sure you spend time to come up with a catchy title for your hub and front load it with your keyword or keyword phrase.
Your title and your content is the most important part of your HubPage and should attract the attention of your visitors as well as the search engines.
Even though the search engines rank your hub based on the keywords; you need to maintain readability for your human visitors.
- Break up long hubs into smaller modules
Try to keep each of your text modules in the 250 – 300 word range. This way you keep the reader’s interest and make way to insert more Google AdSense Ads.
Its much better breaking up a 700 word article, into two 350 word hub modules.
- Create different tracking channels.
Set up channels to monitor which hubs earn the most money for you, and try do duplicate your successes.
By creating different channels, you can monitor your AdSense earnings, and track up to 180 different hubs.
- Use directories to publicize your HubPages
Add your hubpages profile page to as many directories as possible, to increase your visitors and ranking with the search engines.
You can also add your RSS link to these RSS Blog directories.
Check out to help promote your feeds.
- Use Descriptive Tags
Add at least 10 to 20 relevant tags to each of your hubpages.
Use good quality keywords and keyword phrases that describe the content of your modules.
- Focus on Search Engine Traffic.
Although HubPages automatically optimize your hubpages to generate search engine traffic; you should still use SEO techinques to get the most from the search engines.
Strategic keyword placement is important to best describe your content to the search engines and your readers.
Search engine visitors are the visitors most likely to click through your AdSense ads.
Using these money making tips for HubPages will quickly improve your AdSense earnings.
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