Article Marketing: EzineArticles Can Guarantee Traffic To Your Website

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on March 5, 2011
Posted Under: Article Marketing Information

expert_author_3EzineArticles Can guarantee traffic to your website, even though some have relegated article marketing to the trash heap of outdated traffic building strategies.

Even though some gurus suggest that article marketing is not as effective a traffic building strategy as Web 2.0 and Social Media strategies; don’t give up on it yet.

Done properly, EzineArticles can guarantee traffic to your website and get it ranked on the front page of Google relatively quickly.

You first need to understand that all article directories are not worth submitting your articles to.  Their ranking determines their worth.

Although you will get some web traffic from them; submitting your articles to the smaller directories for the most part is not worth the time and effort that your put into it.

when done properly, using just three or four other high ranking directories along with EzineArticles can guarantee traffic to your website.

When you write your well researched keyword rich article; the first article directory you should submit it to is

The reason you need to do this is because of their article acceptance policies.

EzineArtiles is very careful to accept only unique content.  They will not approve any article regardless of how well written it may be, if it even smells of duplicate content.

After your original, well written, keyword rich article is approved and published by EzineArticles; you can then rewrite your original article and submit it to other high ranking article directories such as the ones below.


You now have a five times better chance of getting your article ranked for the same keywords.

Your chances of ranking highly can be further improved by honing your keywords using the external Google Keyword Tool.

Use the tool to generate a list of keywords that you want to rank for, before you write your article.

When you have your list, use the Google search engine to find all the Ezine articles that rank on the first page of Google for each of your particular keywords.

This lets you know what articles currently rank on the first page of Google for which keyword and which specific Ezine article Google likes well enough to place on the first page for each of your keywords.

Girdled with this information, all you need to do is write an optimized Ezine article for the exact same keyword to get more backlinks to your article, than the currently ranking article is getting.

Rewrite the article after it has been published by EzineArticles and submit it to the other four high ranking article directories to build on it and get more backlinks to your site than the other existing articles.

This simple strategy can make your EzineArticle traffic go ballistic.

Article marketing is not dead yet.

With this strategy, Ezinearticles can guarantee traffic to your website, generate a ton of backlinks and substantially improve your bottom line.

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