Video Marketing: Optimizing Your Videos
If you want to really stand out from the crowd; optimizing your videos is essential to video marketing and is something you must to learn to do.
Anyone can learn how to create a compelling video for their YouTube audience without needing to spend a ton of cash on fancy technology.
YouTube makes it simple for even a novice to create a great video and easily upload it; but optimizing your videos is necessary to get your audience to view them over the hundreds of thousands that are already online.
Because YouTube only allows you about ten minutes to make a good impression; you need to make the best possible use of that time to get your video viewed and to send your message out to your audience.
There are features that make videos appeal to viewers, as well as features that make videos unappealing.
So how do you know the good vs. bad features of a video?
The best way is to RATE your video.
The last time you watched a movie preview, was it intriguing? Did the video make you want it to not end? Did the video nudge you into asking questions?
You should be asking yourself these type questions, and be thinking along these lines, as you create your videos.
Create your very own movie preview and ask yourself these questions to make sure your goals are met when creating your video.
- Did you get your message out to your audience?
- Did your video make your point?
- Did your video make viewers want to come back to see more?
- Did your video provide a well recorded audio track and clear shots?
- Did you make your video short, sweet, and focused?
- Did you use graphics to improve your video and keep your viewers engaged?
- Did you optimize your video?
You need to record a dynamic sharp video, that is anything but ordinary, in under ten minutes that will capture and hold your audience.
If you don’t think you can noodle a creative topic for your video, you had better put on your thinking cap and think again!
Most of the wildly popular videos on YouTube are popular because the producer came up with something “off the wall” and did something totally interesting and unique. They were thinking “out of the box” to make their videos different from everyone else online.
Here is a simple way to help you brainstorm an idea for your video.
- Write down on a piece of paper or your computer Notepad, ten of the best ideas you can come up with for making a great video.
- Then, write down what makes each idea appealing next to each idea you came up with.
- If you don’t have at least five reasons for a compelling idea for each of your “best ideas”, remove it from your list.
- Next, trim down your list to your top five choices.
- Decide how you are going to present the content in your video.
- How will you highlight your video to make it unique and unusual?
Will you wear makeup? Will you add a Lady GaGa sound track? Will you record your video while skydiving?
Regardless of what you come up with as you are optimizing your videos, you need to make sure it is something totally “off the wall” and unique.
Remember that people turn to YouTube to find interesting and unique things to view; they can always watch their television if they want something boring.
Nobody wants to watch an infomercial or commercials on YouTube.
So, if you are trying to brand or promote your website; be careful to do it in a way that is innovative, creative, and fun to watch.
Optimizing your videos is more than just throwing up some keywords on YouTube; it’s about all of the above!