Video Marketing – Use YouTube Annotations To Drive Traffic To Your Website
Now you can use YouTube Annotations to drive traffic to your website in addition to the usual video marketing strategies.
Annotations are the text notes that are displayed in a YouTube video, as it is being played by a viewer.
These annotations can present additional useful information about your video, they can be interactive with viewers, or they can be a narrative.
YouTube annotations can also link to other videos and YouTube URLs however, currently you are not able to link to a URL that is not part of YouTube.
To use YouTube Annotations, you first upload your video to their site, and click the edit annotations button on the main page. Make sure you’re not in the preview mode.
There are three types of YouTube annotations available for you to use there.
- Spotlight
Speech Bubble
Pick the one that you feel is right for your video, play your video, and when you get to the place where you want your annotation to appear; simply click the Add Annotations icon, and type the text right on the video, or in the edit annotations window to the left.
Your annotation can then be dragged and dropped to wherever you want it to appear on your video.
A list of all annotations will be on the left side of the page where you can edit the text, the amount of time you want your annotation displayed, and the link; if you care to link to another YouTube URL.
You can also pause the video to highlight it and call attention to a particular frame or scene if you so desire.
Why You Should Use YouTube Annotations.
- The main reason is to use YouTube Annotations to drive traffic to your website.
If you have several videos that have a common thread or topic, such as “Branding Information”; you can link them all together with URL annotations placed directly in the videos.
This is an interactive method of networking your videos that you can use, instead of through the video organizer on YouTube.
You can also use subtitles, which are translated into several languages by YouTube, to augment your YouTube annotations, to give even greater depth and clarity to your videos.
In fact by using the combination, you can eliminate the use of sound entirely in your videos, if you choose.
- YouTube Annotations are great for producing step by step instructional videos.
You can subtitle and explain everything in your video, plus you can pause your instructional video, so your students can take notes and digest the information you provided them.
Although you can’t link to a URL that is not part of YouTube, you can insert your inactive website link and any promotional information you want to include about your site, to generate additional traffic.
Reader Comments
I think youtube is a great tool for anyone interested in watching or uploading videos. I have been using the site for years now, and still think it is doing a good job. Ok, so sometimes it gets criticized for being too easy to break copyright laws, but youtube’s online security is getting better. The best thing about the site is its great video search engine and database. No wonder it made it as the top sharing site on dozenvideo this month. But there’s some tough competition out there and as online video gets bigger and bigger, there’s sure to be a backlash. Keep online videos free and easy to share!
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