Using The Facebook Phonebook For Internet Marketing
Posted Under: Facebook,Internet Marketing Information
Using the Facebook phonebook for Internet marketing purposes is a strategy that can work as good or better than email marketing.
This strategy can be used for Internet marketing, MLM marketing, prospecting or even recruiting on Facebook and the great thing about it is that nobody else seems to be using it.
For people who know how to use it, Facebook’s phonebook has become a marketing haven for both Internet and Network Marketers.
The good news is that because a lot of people don’t know how to use Facebook to market effectively, all the rest of us benefit.
Many so called Internet marketers sign up to Facebook and piss everyone off by pitching their business and products all over Facebook. They forget that Facebook is first and foremost a social media site.
These people normally do not achieve any positive results, in fact they often wind up hurting their business more than they help it.
As an Internet or network marketer on Facebook, you should be consistently trying to add “targeted” friends who are genuinely interested in your market niche.
By “targeted”, I mean only friends who are actually interested in your business, product or service.
To do this don’t be rude and start pitching whatever opportunity it is that you’re selling to people.
Connect with people and try to learn more about them. Don’t even think about selling.
Find out what they do for a living, what their interests are, why they are interested in your target niche and what problems they have encountered.
After you discover what their problems are, then you can offer them your solution.
The idea is to be able to get access to the phone numbers of hundreds or even thousands of “live” prospects that are potentially waiting for your call.
So, how do you go about getting your friends phone numbers after you have their attention?
Go to your Facebook profile top right hand corner and select Account.
Then click Edit Friends.
Next, on the top left hand corner select either Phonebook under Friends or just select Contacts.
Imported contacts are displayed on your Invites and Imported Contacts page and synced mobile contacts are displayed in your Facebook Phonebook.
Contacts may be used to improve the quality of friend suggestions for you and your friends.
That’s all there is to it.
Remember that a phone number is like an email address so don’t act like a spammer.
Many people are fearful of picking up a telephone and talking to someone the first time. Fear of rejection is usually the reason.
Using this strategy, the people you are calling already know your name and who you are, so the “fear factor” is virtually eliminated.
When you make your initial contact, don’t try to sell anything.
You are simply making an initial contact with your friends. However, if the conversation does happen to veer into your offer, don’t miss out on the opportunity to close a sale.
Everyone’s phone manner is different but you can say something like “Hi, I’m your Facebook friend (your name). I like to call all my Facebook friends just to get to know more about them. How’s it going today?”.
If you freeze up on phone calls you might even consider writing down a script to follow.
In any event, using the Facebook phonebook for Internet marketing works as good and sometimes better than email marketing.
If you find this information helpful, share it with your friends and leave me your comments below.