Twitter: How To Put Twitter On Viral Overdrive

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on June 19, 2010
Posted Under: Twitter

hummingbird300x250_3By simply using free giveaways, you can put Twitter on viral overdrive to build your following and increase your profits.

Giving away something of value that subscribers can benefit from, such as ebooks, software, special reports, coupons, special discounts, or even audio and video tutorials will incentivise your potential followers to make that all important click.

To make this work effectively, you need to get your potential Twitter followers to re-tweet your tweet and follow you on Twitter.

By re-tweeting and following you; your tweet will end up on their Twitter page for their followers to click through and see what all the “hype” with the re-tweet is about.

If the follower in turn has a large following; you could end up with a huge amount of new followers taking the same initial steps your first Twitter took for the free giveaway.

Your benefit to them after they re-tweet your initial tweet and follow you on Twitter, is your free ebook, special report, or whatever you giveaway is.

Learning how to put Twitter on viral overdrive is relatively easy to accomplish, it doesn’t cost you a dime, and many of the top internet marketers use this method to increase their Twitter following.

To put the technique into perspective; let’s imagine that you get 10 people to re-tweet and follow you on twitter, and these new followers each average over 1000 followers.  That means that at least 10,000 targeted followers will get a  chance to see your tweet.

If only a small percentage (let’s say 1%) of Twitter followers that see your tweet actually act on it and click through the initial process, you have discovered how to put Twitter on viral overdrive.

Top marketers realize that the greater your following, the more targeted traffic you’ll be able to tweet to your audience.  Exposure is everything in viral marketing.

To put all of this on autopilot, you need to sign up to a service called TwiveAway.  Set up a free account and watch the demo video that will walk you step by step through your first giveaway campaign.

You can get brand-able ebooks and reports for your giveaway campaigns that you can brand with your ClickBank or PayDotCom affiliate links online or at the link below.

Once you learn how to put Twitter on viral overdrive, you can reap the monetary benefits of viral marketing using Twitter.

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