Twitter: How To Improve Your Twitter Image
When you take the following steps to improve your Twitter image, you will find that your number of followers will increase and that your brand identity will also improve.
First of all, it is important that Twitter users make their Twitter page as eye appealing as possible.
We all know that you should not “judge a book by it’s cover” but in the world of Twitter, this is not the case. The way you come across to other users defines you.
Therefore, the quickest way to start improving your Twitter image and develop your professional brand is to make your Twitter page interesting and eye appealing.
- Try Changing Your Name
When people see you on Twitter, the first thing they notice is your “handle” or name.
Your Twitter name also represents your professional image and your brand, so why not reference it?
Instead of using @amandapeet, why not change your name to @amandapeetactress? Or, @blairwiggingfishingguide instead of @blairwigging.
The point is that you can quickly reach more followers when you include your brand in your Twitter name. When people associate your brand with your name, they can search for your brand i.e. “actress” or “fighingguide” and your name will appear.
- You Can Improve Your Twitter Image By Providing A Good Photo
People become more willing to associate with strangers when they see an attractive friendly image of the individual they will be communicating with.
Your profile picture is more than just an avatar, it defines who you are.
Except in rare cases, don’t use a business photo or business logo for your Twitter profile photo.
Instead, provide your followers with a more intimate view of who your are and they will be more willing to share with you.
- Your Profile Can Help Improve Your Twitter Image.
Your Twitter profile is the place where you can make your mark on the Twitter community. This is where you can brand yourself and your business to let the world know exactly who you are and what you do.
Your Twitter profile page is where you let potential followers know about your business website or your blog. If a Twitter user is interested in learning more about you, your profile is where they can click on your website URL to gain additional information.
A custom Twitter page and a catchy well written profile will in a millisecond help people decide whether or not to follow you on Twitter.
- Add Yourself To The Wefollow Twitter Directory
After you have chosen your branded Twitter name and completed your profile page, you can farther improve your Twitter image by adding your name to the WeFollow Twitter directory.
When you do this, you will be able to track your ranking and determine how influential you are in your niche on Twitter.
- Be Careful About What You Tweet
The way you Tweet can either improve your Twitter image or destroy it. Remember, you are what you Tweet!
You can create a community around your business brand by engaging your followers, not constantly trying to sell them.
If you focus on sharing videos, photos and passing along other valuable bits of information in your Tweets, you will attract many more followers than if you focus on trying to sell something with every tweet you make.
You will find that most of your followers will gradually drop off and eventually delete you from their list when you focus on selling.
Twitter is a social media micro-blogging site, not a sales forum.
- Re-tweeting Is Good
When you receive valuable information from your Twitter circle of friends, re-tweet the information to your followers.
Re-tweeting is the way to get the attention of Twitter users outside your niche and begin a conversation with them.
When you re-tweet, make sure you use Twitter’s automatic RT (re-tweet) button and credit the original Tweeter.
As an example: “It pays to fish the fronts” RT @redfishman99
- Keep Your Tweets Short
Remember that Twitter is a micro-blogging site, not a blog or forum. Make your tweets “short, sweet and to the point”. Remember to shorten your URLs!
- Use #Hashtags To Target Your Niche
Hashtags add additional context and metadata to your tweets. They function like tags on Flickr, only they are added inline to your Tweets.
You easily create a hashtag by prefixing a keyword with a hash symbol: #hashtag.
For real time tracking, you can use the #hashtag symbol in front of the keyword you pick, to best describe what your niche is all about.
When you use hashtags in front of the keyword after your tweet; your tweets will be more easily seen by anyone searching for that particular hashtag.
i.e. “It pays to fish the fronts” #redfishing
The problem with using hashtags is that if you use too many of them, you could be labeled as a spammer by your followers.
Tagalus is a simple hashtag dictionary where you can define a hashtag or find information on any of the thousands of hashtags that are defined by other users.
You can also learn more about hashtags at Mashable
- Repeat Important Tweets To Improve Your Twitter Image
The more you use Twitter, the more you will improve your Twitter image.
One way to showcase important Twitter posts is to repeat them several times in a 24 hour period.
Repeating an important Tweet ensures that all your followers get an opportunity to see your post.
When you repeat a post you made in the evening again in the late evening, early the next morning and later again the next afternoon; you ensure that you catch every audience that is following your tweets.
This tactic works only when it is used judiciously. Tweeting too frequently will only turn off your audience.
- Don’t Forget To Follow
The more you use Twitter, the more people will likely follow your tweets. However, you need to reciprocate with your followers and follow them.
If you want to follow everyone who follows you, you can easily do it automatically or personalize a message to the people you choose to follow. Your followers help you grow to your current status, so don’t forget to follow those who helped you get to where you are.
Often when you reach out to the more prominent Twitter names in your niche and they re-tweet you, your influence in the Twitterspheare increases dramatically.
Following all or even some of these suggestions will help improve your Twitter image, so Tweet on!