Try Branding Your Ezine Articles With A Photo

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on December 15, 2011
Posted Under: Article Marketing Information

ezinearticles-cup1Branding your Ezine articles with a photo is an easy to implement marketing strategy that makes your articles stand out from the thousands of other authors in your market niche.

Branding is a simple marketing strategy that builds trust with readers.  When you brand your Ezine articles with a photo of yourself, it also promotes you as an authority figure in your market niche.

Branding your Ezine articles with a photo is a tangible way for your readers to easily recognize and relate to your written or visual message.

A visual message is arguably the easiest method of branding and in the article writing community, your visual message is your photo.

By branding your Ezine articles with a photo of yourself, you create a visual connection with your readers.

When people see the face of the author behind the article that they are reading, the visual connection that is created makes readers place more trust in the content of the article.

Many authors place a photo of themselves on the inner-fold book covers of the hardbound copies they sell, precisely for the same reason.

Branding your Ezine articles with a photo is easy.

Just log into your account, click on the “Profile” tab and select “Edit Image”.

Choose “Upload New Image” and grab an image from your computer to upload.

Before you upload your image, make sure that it meets EzineArticles guidelines.

  • Your actual picture must be in the photo that you upload.   It cannot be copyrighted.
  • EzineArticles will accept drawings, renderings, caricatures or other non photo images, as long as they are of you.
  • The max file size of the photo cannot be more than 100K.
  • The photo must be saved in a .jpg or .jpeg file format.
  • EzineArticles does not accept sexually explicit photos, offensive images, avatar images, company or personal logos, crests, or other symbols

If you feel the necessity, you can rotate or crop your image before saving it.

By selecting “Professional Photos” from the left hand navigation menu, you can add photos to your “Expert Author Biography” page the same way you added a photo to your Profile Photo.

You can also add a caption to your “Professional Photos” if you like.

Once uploaded, your photo will be automatically included in every live article that you publish.  For this reason, it’s very important that your photo conveys the right image.

Remember, your photo will be your brand and should instill confidence, credibility and trust to your readers.

If you are not happy with the photo that you uploaded to your Profile page, take another photo of yourself that you feel better exudes confidence and instills authority in your market niche.

Whatever photo you choose will brand all your articles and give you more exposure on EzineArticles, so make sure you’re happy with the finished product.  Getting an outside opinion from a trusted friend is definitely a good idea.

Branding your Ezine articles with a photo works and you could earn the Photogenic Author Profile Award on!

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