How To Use Article Marketing To Increase AdSense Revenue

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on October 31, 2009
Posted Under: Article Marketing Information

All Ezine authors, who know how to use article marketing to increase AdSense revenue, display some common traits in their writing skills, that seem to accompany their success.

Knowing how to use article marketing to increase AdSense revenue, is a strategy to drive customers to an AdSense rich website, specifically to increase the AdSense revenues for the owner.

The strategy is extremely effective, and when properly executed with multiple websites, can bring in large sums of AdSense earnings to their owners.

Effective Ezine authors who use article marketing to increase AdSense revenue, crank out volumes of highly researched, targeted, keyword rich niche articles that provide valuable information to the intended readers.

These articles are not the 1000 plus word articles you generally find in the ezines, but short 250 to 500 word articles, created specifically with one goal in mind.

To funnel large amounts of traffic to their AdSense websites. google-adsense2

The authors who really know how to use article marketing to increase AdSense revenue, follow the advocated  SEOpractices in their articles, and make them easy to read using a variety of techniques.

Using bullets, numbered lists, and sub headings, help to make articles easier to read, and visually digestible.

Savvy authors who use article marketing to increase AdSense revenue, know better than to glut their article content with excessive links back to their websites.

This accomplishes nothing more than to hold up publication of the article.

A brief RESOURCE BOX, is the appropriate location for one or two back links to your website, and an anchored text link to an important niche keyword.

Expert authors that know how to use article marketing to increase AdSense revenue, always make the title, body, and resource box of their articles front loaded, and keyword rich with only, intelligently selected keywords.

Following  the expert Ezine authors that know how to use article marketing to increase AdSense revenue, should benefit your article marketing skills,  even if you’re not into AdSense.

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