E-mail marketing: 3 Drawbacks To Consider

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on July 10, 2009
Posted Under: E-Mail Marketing

E-mail marketing is a very cost effective method of communicating with your customers, however, there are 3 drawbacks to consider when using this strategy.

1 – Environment.

Since spam arrived on the scene, e-mails have become more difficult to use effectively and can be a poor environment to work with.

The majority of e-mail users use their e-mails for personal and work related contacts.  This means when they open their e-mails, they look for specific messages from their friends, relatives, and work associates and tend to disregard the rest of the messages in their in box.

Additionally, servers and anti spam programs, filter unwanted e-mails into the old circular file when certain words trigger the action. It should be noted, that some desired e-mails are also mistakenly filtered out by these programs.

Of the 3 drawbacks to consider in e-mail marketing, this is probably the biggest.

2 – Message Length.

In e-mail marketing you have to be short, sweet, and to the point!

Generally, long sales pitches, lengthy sales copy, and complicated offerings with supporting facts and statements, are not used in e-mail marketing.

This is another e-mail marketing drawback to consider.   E-mail marketing messages must be short!

3 – Creativity.

Due to the message length, e-mails can somewhat stifle your creativity.

Plain e-mail message text is pretty much boring to read, and it’s easy to lose your train of concentration.

Since text is essential in e-mail marketing, it’s a real challenge being creative when giving your recipients reports or targeted advertisements.     But, don’t be deterred; it can be done with some ingenuity.

Many small businesses erroneously believe that their products or services cannot  easily be sold online.

They have not yet discovered the cost effective benefits of information processing and using e-mails for quick, fast, communication, customer service and marketing.

The 3 drawbacks to consider when using e-mail marketing, are nothing compared to the benefits acquired from it’s use by online businesses.

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