Combining Search Engine Optimization With Article Marketing

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on June 18, 2009
Posted Under: Search Engine Optimization

Combining search engine optimization with article marketing, is an extremely effective strategy, that is being used by many internet marketers, to get their websites listed high in the search engine results.

When combining SEO with article marketing, the articles must provide useful information, and be relevant to the keyword, or keyword phrase, that is being searched for by the search engine user.

The information provided by your article, must be persuasive enough to get the reader to click on your link, so they can access more information about the subject of your article.

Search engines list only individual web pages, not complete websites.

Therefore, your article links should not send readers to the home page of your website, but to the specific web page that have more information on the subject of your article.

When search engine users look for a specific topic, they insert keyword phrases, or search terms, to try to find the information they are looking for.

Since different users, use different keyword phrases to access the same information; different results can often be expected.

For instance; a person needing information on, how to grow roses in their garden, could type in a search for “rose gardens”, and get a completely different result, than another person searching for “gardening roses”.

Each person is looking for the same information, yet because they are searching using different keyword phrases, each receives a different result.

By understanding algorithms, and combining search engine optimization with article marketing; you can narrow the focus of searches to specifically target website traffic, and profit from it.

For More Information On Combining Search Engine Optimization With Article Marketing, CLICK HERE.

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