Choosing A Productive Niche Market

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on October 1, 2009
Posted Under: Niche Markets

niche-researchIf you’re into affiliate marketing and are considering starting your own website, you first need to pick a productive niche market, as well as a useful product to sell.

Choosing a productive niche market, is as simple as finding a need, and then filling it.

The perfect niche market is small and potentially profitable.

To become a successful affiliate marketer, it helps a great deal if you’re already interested in the productive niche market that you have chosen to create your business around.

Although it’s not an absolute necessity to be knowledgeable in your niche market, it sure helps when you start writing your article content, and begin marketing them.

If you have little interest in your niche, whether it’s a productive niche market or not, your chances of success drop enormously.

Choosing a productive niche market that you’re actually interested in, will allow you to rise to the top in your affiliate marketing business.

Competing with the big boys, and the many million dollar companies on the Internet is next to impossible for a small home based internet marketer or business owner, unless you have unlimited time and resources.

Choosing a productive niche market, is one way to even out the playing field a bit.

A niche market, by definition, is a specific targeted portion of a market sector.

  • Never worry about selecting a product, that only appeals to a small number of people.

Picking a broad item like books, is something that everyone can obtain just by visiting their local Barnes & Noble or Amazon web site.

Picking a specific book, such as “Roman Coins and Their Values” by David Sear, is targeted to a small portion of the book sector, specifically; the Ancient Coin Collecting niche market.

Coin collectors are much more likely to purchase this book from your site, than from a Barnes and Noble bookstore.

  • Target your content, to the demographic you are marketing to.

The above example crosses the generation gap, so your content should be written to appeal to your audience in general, ancient coin collectors.

Selling Medigap Insurance, is a productive niche market that is directed primarily to seniors.  Your content, in this example, should be constructed to connect with older individuals that would directly benefit from your product.

You would not want to write your content to please or connect to video gamers.

  • One of the best ways to choose a productive niche market, is to study your competition, and either mimic them, or preferably create a unique website that will “out shine” them.

When you’ve focused on your productive niche market, narrow it down and select your keywords by using Wordtracker’s free keyword tool, or Google’s AdWords tool.

You can see what people are actually searching for, and how the keywords rank over a period of time.  You can get a daily search volume estimate,  that tells you if enough people are interested in the products you’re promoting.

If there is relatively little competition in the productive niche market you have chosen, and there are enough potential customers to make a good profit on the product you’re promoting, you have discovered a perfect niche market and will probably do well with your business.

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