Aggressive Internet Marketing – Three Questions To Ask
Posted Under: Internet Marketing Information
An aggressive Internet marketing campaign is what every businessman that expects to succeed online, is hoping to avail themselves of.
Obviously, cost also becomes a major factor in finding an aggressive Internet marketing firm.
Fortunately, with the current economic downturn, there are many inexpensive firms chomping at the bit to offer their services at reasonable costs.
These three questions, at a minimum, are what you should ask your potential marketing firm about your website before you commit yourself.
- Is free website design offered by your marketer?
Unless you are in the business, it is advisable to have a professional team design your website for you.
Knowing a bit of HTML is not enough when your business is at stake, so do it right!
In order to ensure that their marketing becomes an integral part of your website’s design, most good internet marketing concerns now offer free web design as part of their total package.
If you are required to fork out any additional cash for your web design, find someone else to do your marketing. Aggressive Internet marketing will include free website design.
- Does your web site cater to unnecessary keywords?
Too many keywords or “long tailed keywords” and keyword phrases can affect your page ranking.
It’s better to design more web pages that are smaller, and create content that focuses on only a few targeted keywords, or keyword phrases.
An aggressive Internet marketer already knows this, and will incorporate the right number of keywords into your website to get the most benefit.
- Is your website search engine compatible?
Aggressive Internet marketing must be fully compatible with all of the major search engines on the Internet.
If your website is not shown properly on some of the search engines, your Internet marketing firm is not up to par.
An aggressive Internet marketing firm should be an expert in optimizing your web site for all of the search engines.