Blog Commenting: Some Good Reasons For Blog Commenting

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on March 28, 2010
Posted Under: Blogging Information

Blog commenting is something I personally don’t do enough of.

In my case, it is partially due to time constraints, however many bloggers simply don’t realize the benefits to blog commenting.

Here are some benefits to blog commenting that may change your opinion about doing it in the future.

  • One of the main reasons to comment on other people’s blogs is simply to make friends.

Blogging is basically a networking activity and people who have heard about you or your blog, are more likely to link to you.   Get acquainted with people.  Make friends and they will return the favor.

  • Blog commenting is the proper thing to do.

People who complain about not getting enough comments on their blogs, are usually the ones who don’t bother commenting on other people’s blogs.  Practice the golden rule of sorts.  Treat other bloggers like you would like to be treated.  Give someone an “attaboy” and they will likely return the favor.

  • A very good reason for blog commenting is to get clicks.

It’s a simple fact that most people will click your link just to see what else you’re writing about.

  • Blog commenting will gradually teach you what works to attract comments from other bloggers. By observing the posts you commented on, or didn’t; you can gain an understanding of how to create your own commentable content.
  • When you comment on a regular basis, you will gradually train yourself to find the main points of interest in a story. This benefits you when writing your own content.
  • Blog commenting can develop ideas that can be expanded into your own blog posts. It helps you create interesting content.
  • You never know who is reading your blog comments. You can make comments on blogs you would never believe anyone would pay much attention to, that could develop into business associations, or even partnerships.
  • I’ve learned through life that you get what you give. Call it karma or whatever, but the fact remains that if you spend some time on blog commenting, you will get more comments in return.  Try it for yourself and see how it works out for you!
  • Regular blog commenting will improve your writing skills. The more you practice writing short, quick, precise comments that create an impact, the better a writer you will become.
  • Blog commenting on new blogs will give you a fresh perspective.

You can get into a “rut” when you hang out with the same crowd, and listen to the same ideas being repeatedly bounced around.

Get out of your “rut” or “comfort zone”, and start commenting on new blogs every day to get some new ideas and learn different ways of looking at things.

Blog commenting on fresh blogs will jostle your creative juices, spark new ideas, make new contacts, open up new opportunities, and attract more new subscribers to your website than you can imagine.

Blog commenting is not only about whats on your mind, it’s also about joining in on the conversation, reaching out to others, exposing yourself, and exchanging new ideas.

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