Are YouTube And Google Video The Only Games In Town?

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on October 20, 2009
Posted Under: Video Marketing

YouTube and Google Video are what usually come to mind when we think of online video websites, however, they’re definitely not the only games in town!

Hundreds of companies are trying to become the online video version of Flickr;  and as the number of video sharing websites continue to grow, one is likely to appear in the near future.

Several video services have also begun offering new editing and remixing features, in an effort to carve out a piece of the ever expanding online video market.

Most of us, just want to post a video online, and share it with everyone, without having to jump through hoops to do it.

Doing a quick search for “online video websites” on Google, will give you a plethora of alternate video web sites to choose from.

Here are some hassle free alternatives to YouTube and Google Video, along with a little blurb on each, for your edification.

  • ClipShack
  • Eyespot
  • Grouper
  • Jumpcut
  • Ourmedia
  • Revver
  • Sharkle
  • Videoegg
  • Vimeo
  • Clipshack clipshacklogo

Similar to YouTube, Clipshack is easy to use and navigate. You can upload and share your own videos, and also view a large collection of videos free of charge on their site.

  • Eyespot                                                         eyespot

Eyespot offers easy to use video uploading and remixing, however, the mixing and editing features are not very impressive.

Uploading you videos is pretty straightforward, and the user interface is cheery and colorful. Eyespot as yet does not offer a lot of the community features that some of the others online video websites provide.

  • Grouper                                                        grouper2

Grouper, is basically YouTube with a file sharing application built in.

In order to get all it’s interface functionality, you need to download a Windows Media Player type application, that converts other formats. Grouper has editing features for videos and photos, you can set “groovies” to music.

The Groovies are easy to create with the download application, and could become the rage over time.  The double opt in email registration system that Grouper uses is time consuming and basically a pain in the ….

  • Jumpcut                                                     jumpcut

Jumpcut offers a neat interface that is more like an application that a web page.

You can create videos, edit them, and remix them online.   Out of all the online video websites we visited, Jumpcut has the best.  You can splice footage, add music, photos, special effects, transitions, and reorder your shots online.

Jumpcut has loads of great features that none of the other video sites can touch.  You can even email or embed in a web page with little effort.

  • Ourmedia                                                     ourmedia1

Calls itself “The Global Home for Grassroots Media” and is the place for you if you are a social activist.  The site is hard to upload video to, has no editing features, is slow, requires an Internet archive account, and is somewhat confusing.  There are better online video sites out there.

  • Revver                                                           revver

Revver is a monetized YouTube site. When people view your video and the embedded advertisement, you receive 20% of what the advertiser pays Revver. You receive 50% if someone clicks on the Revver link at the end.

Google Video, is the only other video website that allows monetization of your content.

Revver has a screwed up uploading process, with no editing or sharing. You also need to download a client, in order to upload your content.

  • Sharkle                                                                sharklelogo

Sharkle is also a free to use video website.  You need to register if you want to upload your own videos; or rate, and leave comments about other videos on their site.  You need not register to watch Sharkle’s videos.

  • Videoegg                                                      videoegg

Video Egg allows you to painlessly upload videos to the Internet in any format, post it to other web sites, and share it with your friends.

You need to download an application that embeds into your browser, and gives a you drag and drop capability to upload your video content.

Videoegg works fine if you just want to post and share your videos with your friends.

  • Vimeo                                                              vimeo

Vimeo is a well known online video website.  It has a nice clean interface and uses a flash wrapper to play native formats.  No download is reauired, and uploads are easy to accomplish.

Alhough Vimeo is free to use, it’s advisable to register to create, upload, and share your videos with Flickr,, MySpace or to create an RSS feed.  You can also embed videos in WordPress without any snags.

Now when asked, “Are YouTube and Google Video the only games in town?”, you can give them an intelligent rundown of alternative video websites.

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