AdSense Help – Easily Increase Your AdSense Click Through Rate

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on October 24, 2009
Posted Under: Google AdSense

google-adsenseFor all the AdSense users out there; you can easily increase your AdSense click through rate by employing these common sense suggestions.

Several methods are available for increasing the total click through rate on your website.

The two most commonly addressed methods are; increasing traffic to your website, and increasing your AdSense click through rate.

Volumes have been written on how to increase website traffic, so let’s concentrate on how to easily increase your AdSense click through rate.

  • Your AdSense Advertisements Should Match Your Website Theme

The idea here is to make your AdSense advertisements seamless.   Total integration!

  • Eliminate the boarders from your AdSense advertisements, and make sure that the background of the advertisement, matches the background color of your website.
  • Use the same font, font size, and font color in your AdSense advertisement, that is used in your website.
  • Make sure that the default hyperlink color used on your website, normally blue, matches the link hyperlink color of your AdSense advertisement.
  • Pick an advertisement format, that seamlessly integrates the AdSense ad into your website.
  • Choose the placement of your AdSense advertisement carefully.

You can easily increase your AdSense click through rate, by changing the location of your ad on your web page.

  • The more white space your have around your advertisements, the more visible they become.

Testing has determined that when AdSense advertisements are placed closer to the top and left side of a web page, they receive more clicks.

Here is an example of how to easily increase your AdSense click through rate.

You own a website that has a creme colored background, the default blue hyperlink color,  Arial font, 14 pt font size, and maroon text.

To seamlessly integrate your AdSense advertisement; choose a rectangle or square as your ad format, place the ad at the top of the page, remove the border for your ad, make the background creme, change the font size to 14 pt., make the font color maroon, and leave the default hyperlink color the same.

If you religiously follow this integration concept on all your websites, you can easily increase your AdSense click through rate in a very short period of time.

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