Why You Need To Use SEO Friendly Images
Posted Under: Search Engine Optimization
Whenever possible you should always try to use SEO friendly images in your site content.
Getting search engine traffic from images is extremely underrated by most web masters and Internet marketers.
Like strategic video tagging, images can be made search engine friendly.
Search engine robots can’t read images but they can read the SEO attached to images.
Descriptions, tags and titles that you attribute to your images are crawled by the various search engines and indexed.
For this reason you should attribute all your images with well defined ALT and TITLE attributes.
For images, this is the equivalent to doc titles and meta descriptions that are attributed to web pages.
All your images should be given a relevant name, preferably with your primary keyword placed in the first position.
Instead of using the original file name (DSCN0052.jpg) in the image below right, it was renamed using the keyword “Stained Glass” in the file name.

Stained Glass Singing Frog
In this case “stained glass singing frog“.
As a webmaster, the original image file name of “DSCN0052.jpg” might have some meaning to you as a file reference .
However, for the search engines crawling your web site, it doesn’t mean a thing.
Naming the file “stainedglasssingingfrog.jpg” is a much more relevant and descriptive to your readers and to the search engines.
Plus, you have your primary keyword “stained glass” prominent in the name.
The newer versions of WordPress have some great image optimizing tools already built into the platform that makes it easy to create SEO friendly images.
Instead of having images open in a lightbox or in their own separate page, you can use WordPress’s built functions to put them in attachment pages.
Although many people fail to use SEO friendly images in their content, you don’t have to be one of them.
The All in One SEO Pack WordPress plugin combined with SEO friendly image attachment pages will help keep your site on the front page of Google’s search engine results pages.