Why You Need To Add Audio Video or Podcasting To Your Blog
Posted Under: Traffic Generation
There are several reasons why you need to add audio video or podcasting to your blog; some of which we will get into below.
First of all, we all know that the common factor for all successful Internet businesses is traffic.
Traffic = Sales = Profit!
You don’t have to be a genius to know that successful businesses must make sales in order to make a profit. But you need customers in order to make any sales.
Internet marketing and search engine optimization is precisely what all the fuss is about; website traffic.
The higher your website ranks in the search results for your keywords; the more visitors will come to your website to find your product or service. And, the more visitors you attract, the more sales you will generate, and the more profit you will enjoy.
Its’ a simple formula:
Website Visitors = Sales = Profits
People and search engines alike love blogs; and blogs have proven themselves to be extremely useful tools, for creating highly targeted website traffic.
You are definitely missing out if you don’t currently have a blog site, or a blog on your website.
With the popularity of blogging comes an increase in the number of blogs on the Internet, stiffer competition for page ranking, and for visitors to these blogs.
This is why you need to add audio video or podcasting to your blog.
More unique content, more visitors, higher page rank, more sales, and greater profits.
The search engine spiders partially determine your blog page rank by unique content. And we all know that ‘content is king’.
What you might not know, is that there are two parts to content, and the duration of site visitations that are also considered by the search engines. This is why you need to add audio video or podcasting to your blog.
- How Often Your Content Changes:
- When you are told that it’s important to post to your blog daily; that is the reason. This is also why it’s better to make many shorter posts on your blog, than to create a single long article.
- Keyword Density:
- The search engine spiders also place a lot of weight on keyword density. Links to your blog by search engine spiders also count highly in determining Page Rank.
This is why you should add social bookmarking site links to you blog posts whenever possible. The search engine spiders will count the link every time you make a post to your blog, and what is more important, it will count the number of links to that post.When people add your link to their favorites list, they create more links for the search engine spiders to pick up. It’s all about traffic.
- Site Visit Duration:
- Most website visits don’t last anymore than 30 seconds. The search engines like visitors to stay on a website longer than 30 seconds, and so should you.
- The longer visitors remain on your site, the more likely they are to make a purchase. This is precisely why you need to add audio video or podcasting to your blog. To increase the length of time visitors stay on your site
When visitors watch either an audio, video or a podcast; they will usually stay for the duration of the session.- You need to add audio video or podcasting to your blog that lasts for at least a few minutes, to keep your visitors mesmerized, and the search engines happy.
Although the audio, video or podcast will not help your search engine optimization, it will keep visitors on your blog long enough to be affected by your product advertisements and possibly purchase your products.The duplicate content problem that you often have with text content, is virtually eliminated with audio and video content.
This is because the search engine spiders can’t “read” audio or video content. You can use YouTube videos or audio content without the worry of being penalized for duplicate content.
These are a few reasons why you need to add audio video or podcasting to your blog; to increase your traffic, to increase your sales, and to increase your profits.