Website Usability – The Correct Use Of Graphics
Posted Under: Website Usability
There can be no argument that the correct use of graphics will attract visitors to your website.
If you have no eye candy at all on your website, you either own a technical website, that deals with content specific to that niche, or you simply do not have many visitors knocking on your door.
Few visitors bother reading the actual content of a website these days, if there are no eye catching graphics to attract them.
Unfortunately, there are many content rich websites on the Internet, that will never achieve their potential because of a drab website.
So what do you with an unpretentious website? You spiff it up with some graphics, of course!
The correct use of graphics is entirely dependent on the content of each particular website.
A fun blog can have animated, multimedia graphics placed all over the site, without any regard to losing much web traffic. This also applies to most personal websites, and blogs.
For a business application, the correct use of graphics for multimedia applications would be in conjunction with some training program, or seminar.
Since graphics on the Internet is synonymous with multimedia, we should probably define what multimedia is.
Multimedia is the artistic combination of text, sound, graphics, and animation to effectively convey a specific message to your viewers.
The correct use of graphics, and multimedia, in business applications; is generally to provide support for website content, and instructional presentations.
Attractive design is important for obvious reasons, however the choice of design, must be carefully considered when fulfilling the needs of your users.
Your web site has achieved its goal,when the correct use of graphics has produced an increase in the amount of targeted visitors to your website.
Learn More About The Correct Use Of Graphics And Marketing With Internet Videos, Here.
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