Try Using Audacity To Write Your Marketing Articles

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on January 27, 2011
Posted Under: Article Marketing Information

audacityTry using Audacity to write your marketing articles if you have problems with your writing or if you just don’t like to write.

Audacity is an easy to use multilingual audio editor and recorder that can be used for a variety of tasks that could include the writing of your marketing articles.

Audacity is free and can be used with Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems to do an assortment of tasks, some of which are listed below.

  • Cut, copy, splice and mix sounds.
  • Record live audios
  • Convert records or tapes into CDs or other digital forms
  • Manipulate the speed of a recording
  • Edit sound files such as MP3, WAV, AIFF and Ogg Vorbis
  • Dub over existing sound tracks to create dual or multitrack recordings.
  • Change the pitch without altering the tempo of a track
  • Remove objectionable background static, hiss or humm
  • Record directly from a microphone or line input source
  • and more.

We all know that in order to win at article marketing, you need to be the most prolific writer out there.

Getting your content out there is what separates the winners from the losers and although you do not have to be a writing expert; you do have to be able to write a decent article.  Preferable something that you can whip up in a few minutes.

Some essential ingredients of a good article are listed below:

  • Your article must have a great headline
  • People must be able to easily skim your article which means that you should have multiple subheadings throughout your article
  • You should have catchy lead ins and tag-lines that grab your reader’s attention and get them to want to read more of what you have written
  • Your article should contain bullets; this way your readers can easily skim your article and pick out the pieces they are interested in.

Many online marketers lack the ability to write their own articles simply because they haven’t learned how.  Others shy away from writing their own articles because it simply takes them too long.

So what is the solution if you don’t want to write articles?

Speak Them!

With Audacity all you need to do is get a microphone, download a free copy of Audacity and you’re off to the races so to speak.

If you are not very good at writing, you can use the technology that Audacity provides to record your articles and then have an automatic translator type it into a document for you.

Once Audacity does the majority of the work for you, all you need to do is edit your spoken document and throw in some appropriate links.

Using Audacity to write your marketing articles is becoming more and more common, especially with the advent of “bum marketing”.

The process for writing your own unique article goes something like this:

  • Find a keyword that you want to write an article on and then search Ezine Articles for articles on that topic.
  • Once you find an article that is appropriate to your market niche, using your own words, read the article aloud into your microphone.
  • Using Audacity record it, transcribe it, and then do a final edit.

If you are one of the many Internet marketers out there who have problems with your writing or just don’t like to write; try using Audacity to write your marketing articles.

Reader Comments

I am using Audacity and am very satisfied with it.

I downloaded Audacity 1.2.6 release (4.6 MB file)and it works great for my purposes.

Appreciate the info.


Written By Pamela T. on February 15th, 2011 @ 10:03 am

I downloaded Audacity and had a few problems with it at first but when you get used to it, it a pretty good program for my uses.
Thanks for the info.

Written By Cathy on January 8th, 2012 @ 6:26 pm

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