Should You Ever Redesign Your Website?

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on September 16, 2009
Posted Under: Website Usability

When should you redesign your website, or, should you ever redesign your website?

If you have had your website for some time, the odds are probable, that you have  already considered at lease a partial redesign of your website.

You might not like the layout, color scheme, or just feel that your website doesn’t attract as many visitors as it has in the past.   If this is the case, should you ever redesign your website?

Well, if you’re considering a website redesign just for the hell of it; don’t do it.

You should redesign your website, only when it serves a specific purpose.

Sometimes when you redesign your website, your new layout could actually hurt your site’s standings with your visitors, and the search engines.

Keep in mind that your current web design, might have a specific purpose you may not even be aware of.

A redesign could change that function, and actually be the cause of your website losing traffic.

You need to remember that, should you ever redesign your website, it undergoes a complete  identity change.

This change can be a plus, or, if the site layout is completely reconfigured; the change could cause your regular visitors not to recognize your new design, and you could be worse off than before the change occurred.

On the other side of the spectrum, if your website has been online since the early 1990’s with the same design, it might be a good time to modernize and give it a facelift.

You don’t want any visitors leaving your site because it appears “old fashioned”, or non professional looking.

If your website fall into this category, be careful with your new design.  You don’t want to lose your regular visitors, because they thought they landed on the wrong web site.

It’s important that you retain a characteristic feature from your old layout.   This can be your website’s logo, or even keeping with the same text style for the title of your website.

Any prominent characteristic will do, to keep the “memory” of your old site available for regular visitors to recognize.

Should you ever redesign your website, and still not feel comfortable about it; poll your visitors, and ask for their valued opinions.

This will help you with your decision,  and keep your customers returning to look for any changes.

Should you ever redesign your website, it’s like performing plastic surgery on a patient; be creative, be careful and enjoy the results!

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