Niche Marketing Defined

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on November 20, 2009
Posted Under: Niche Markets

Niche marketing can be defined as the purchasing, or selling of a product or service, in a highly specialized market area, where a demand is present.

Broken down into common English, it means that your product is being marketed to the people who are most slideb1interested in purchasing it; not to everyone in the universe!

Large corporations often successfully use niche marketing, as a sales strategy.

For example; Hewlett Packard is a computer company that manufacturers both computers, and accessories.

They could effectively use niche marketing to promote their all in one OfficeJet G80 series all in one machine to the home and small business market and at the same time, promote their single function machines to the larger companies.

Niche marketing is especially attractive to sellers, mainly because their advertising budgets last a lot longer than they would with conventional marketing strategies.

The cost to advertise to a broad market, is obviously much greater than advertising to a specialized niche market.

Successful niche marketing campaigns, are designed to meet the unique requirements of the targeted audiences.

Therefore, in order to be successful, a niche marketer has to tailor their product, to accommodate the unique needs of their potential buyers.

For example; If you author an ebook on how to succeed in your home based internet marketing business, the people who need and are looking for that information, are your niche market.

No one else will be interested in buying your ebook, unless they are contemplating starting a home based internet marketing business.

In a nutshell; Niche marketing is an extremely effective, cost efficient advertising strategy, used to sell specific products, to a specific group of interested buyers.

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