Make PLR Articles Unique
Posted Under: Private Label Rights
What is the best way to make PLR articles unique?
Some people believe that just by adding a sentence to the beginning, middle, and end of a private label rights article, the article becomes unique enough to place on their website without suffering any consequences from the search engines.
Don’t try it!
Article wrapping, as this technique is referred to, only changes the article by ten percent at best; and publishing this article on your website, would probably get your website de listed by the search engines, for duplicate content infringement.
In order to make PLR articles unique enough to safely publish on your website, it should be at least 35 to 40 percent changed.
If you plan on submitting your article to the article directories; make the articles at least 55 percent unique, or better yet, completely rewrite the PLR article.
You can make PLR articles unique by adding, deleting, reordering words, phrases and sentences, or changing the tense.
Although it sounds difficult, you don’t have to be an English major to do it effectively.
With a little practice and some simple aids, you can rewrite a 250 to 500 word article, in about fifteen minutes.
Here are some ways to make your PLR articles unique.
- Read The Article You Plan To Rewrite, Before You Rewrite It!
Many people do not bother reading the articles beforehand, instead they change the article as they go.
Not a good idea… You get a SENSE of what the article is trying to communicate, by reading it before you try to change it. Often, the article’s meaning is lost when “rewriting on the fly.”
- Start With Any Paragraph That Communicates The Sense Of The Article
You don’t necessarily have to start rewriting with the first paragraph. Instead, consider a suitable title that conveys the gist of the article; and rewrite it using synonyms, changing tenses, and rearranging the order, in your own words.
- Be Methodical As You Make PLR Articles Unique
Make changes as you go through the article, paragraph by paragraph, and include any information you missed in your initial reading of the article.
- Spell Check Your Completed Article
After rewriting your article, use your word processor to check for grammar and spelling.
- REREAD Your Article At Least Once!
If possible, put your article aside for a couple of hours, and reread it later to look at it from a fresh perspective.
Check to make sure it flows well and sounds sensible to a reader. You get a new perspective when you leave it alone for a while, or just have someone else reread the article for you to check for errors.
- Create A Catchy Title For The Rewritten Article
Do this last!
When you make PLR articles unique, you occasionally change the sense, and focus of the article so drastically, that the title becomes irrelevant, or at the least nonsensical.
You can change the content so much, to make PLR articles unique, that the title does not not match the content.