Make Money On YouTube – Now You Can Make Money on YouTube With Your One Off Viral Videos
If your like to produce your own videos and are good at what you do, you can now make money on YouTube with your one off viral videos.
The two year old YouTube Partner Program, is now being expanded to include popular individual videos that suddenly become viral.
The YouTube Partnership Program was first launched to help some of the more popular YouTube users make money from their videos.
Up until now, to make money on YouTube with their partnership program, you had to be a regular and prolific producer of videos that managed to reach a large viewing audience.
Occasionally, the YouTube Partner Program also included some of YouTube’s more memorable videos that went viral.
These popular one off videos play an important role on YouTube, and the occasional video partnerships with the YouTube Partnership Program, helped a lot of video producers earn a ton of money.
Apparently YouTube decided it was time to spread the wealth, and allow more video producers to make money on YouTube.
In August of last year, YouTube announced that they would include individual popular videos on their site in the YouTube Partnership Program.
Now when you upload a video that generates a lot of views and becomes viral; you may be invited by YouTube
to monetize your video through their partnership program.
If your video is deemed worthy, you’ll receive an email from YouTube, and get an ‘Enable Revenue Sharing’ message on the watch page next to your video.
If you decide to enable revenue sharing, you’ll need to create an AdSense account. Then, as YouTube sells advertising against your video, you will be paid a share of the revenue every month into your Google AdSense account.
Individual video partnerships, will help many more people make money on YouTube from their success with videos that go viral, so if you’re the creative type who enjoys making videos, get to it!