Increase Your Adsense Earnings – Optimize Your Site Navigation

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on August 5, 2009
Posted Under: Google AdSense

There are many ways to increase your Adsense earnings, but to get visitors to your keyword pages quickly and easily, you need to optimize your website’s navigation.

When you stop and think about how visitors use your website, you really begin to realize that your site’s navigation can either increase your Adsense earnings or leave you flat.

When someone lands on one of your web pages on your web site, they normally have a tendency to click on other pages of your site that they find interesting to them.

In order for them to do this quickly and easily; your web site must have links to these high keyword pages, readily available, and prominently positioned.

When they arrive at the clicked on page of interest; they will hopefully click on an Adsense advertisement, to get additional information, and also increase your Adsense earnings.

Enabling your website visitor to easily get from page A, to page B, where your Adsense advertisement lies, is what optimizing your site navigation is all about.

The easier and more optimized your web site navigation is, the easier you make it for visitors to navigate your site, find and click on the Adsense ads that they may need, and increase your Adsense earnings.

Typical websites have menu links on every web page.

You can grab a visitor’s attention by using clever wording to get them to click on the link you want, or by using embedded links in your page content.

Anything suggesting “FREE”, or “FREE DOWNLOAD” usually grabs someones attention, and will get them to click on your link.

You can use this same tactic to drive traffic from low paying Adsense pages, to higher paying pages.

Some websites get a lot of web traffic, but low Adsense earnings.

Using the above tactic to entice your visitor to click on a link that sends them to a higher earning Adsense page, will definitely increase your Adsense earnings.

Targeted website navigation, is nothing more than using cleverly labeled links to move visitors from a low paying page, to a higher earning page.

This is a great way to increase your Adsense earnings, and turn cheap clicks into good money!

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