How to Increase Your EzineArticle viewers
Posted Under: Article Marketing Information
Would you like to know how to increase your EzineArticle viewers without spending a dime?
The EzineArticles website, is probably one of the top article directories on the Internet for submitting your articles to, for generating traffic and back links to your website.
But did you know about the nifty little trick that can make it even more powerful for you?
This is how to increase your EzineArticle viewers and grab more exposure for your website.
First of all, getting your article into the ‘Most Viewed’ and ‘Most Published’ sections, that are at the bottom of each article, gets you an unbelievable amount of extra exposure and internal back links.
Here is a sneaky way to easily get your articles into these sections.
The easier of the two sections to get your article into, is the ‘Most Published’ section which is where we will begin.
First, directly below your article, go to the right hand side of the “Share ThisĀ Article” box, to get your EzinePublisher URL for your article.
Click on the “Ezine Publisher” link; which is right under the “Suggest A Topic” link, and grab the URL for this link and paste it into any text document.
In order to get into the ‘Most Published’ section, you need to get the most clicks into your EzinePublisher link as possible, and the best way to do that, is to promote the link from the “Share This Article” inside and outside of EzineArticles.
First, promote the link outside of EzineArticles using social bookmarking, Twitter, and others by submitting your EzinePublisher URL to all the social bookmark sites such as Digg, Delicious, Mixx, and others.
Go to Social to do this almost automatically.
After your URL has been submitted to the different sites, you can send it to your friends and associates on Twitter, FriendFeed, etc.
When you do this you increase your EzineArticle viewers on your Publisher page which allows you to get into the ‘Most Published’ section.
When your article makes it to the ‘Most Published’ section; it will be placed on every article within that category.
Not only does this provide you with extra exposure for your article, it means more internal links within EzineArticles which is extremely powerful for ranking in Google.
These EzineArticle internal links are unbelievably important and powerful, because you are now increasing the number of internal links that point to that article.
It’s important that you use targeted keyword phrases in your article title and throughout the body of your article.
Then when your article is placed in the ‘Most Viewed’ or the ‘Most Published’ sections, your Google rankings will be dramatically increased by the amount of internal links pointing to it.
Use the same technique to get listed into the ‘Most Viewed’ section only this time promote the URL of the actual article instead of your EzinePublisher URL.
Now that you know how to increase your EzineArticle viewers without spending a dime, you can guarantee your space in the ‘Most Viewed’ section by using StumbleUpon advertising which only costs five cents per view.