Home Based Internet Marketing Strategies: Using Anchor Text Properly

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on December 28, 2010
Posted Under: Internet Marketing Strategy

anchor-text-hedgehogs1Using anchor text properly is one of the most powerful SEO techniques you can use to leverage search terms in your website’s content.

The specific targeted keywords that link from one webpage on your site, through to another webpage; are called anchor text.

Anchor text is one of the best ways to increase your web pages search engine ranking for those targeted keywords.

The most often encountered anchor text usages are the ‘Contact Us’, ‘Click Here’, and ‘Download Here’ texts found on almost every website online.

Using anchor text properly can dramatically boost your website’s search engine ranking for your site’s keywords.

For instance, if your website is about Ancient Roman Coins; it would be to your advantage to use “Ancient Roman Coins”, “Ancient Coins”, “Roman Provencal”, “Roman Imperial”, “Roman Republic”, etc. as anchor text to direct users to those pages on your website, in addition to using navigation tabs.

Using anchor text properly to link your website’s internal pages, will increase your website’s presence in the Search Engine Results Pages for those terms.  But why?

  • When a website links to another website, the site is deemed worthy in the eyes of the search engines.  It is essentially a popularity vote for the site.
  • How the websites link to each other, also has a great deal to do with each site’s performance in the search engines.  The more sites that link to a site using a specific anchor text term, the better that site will perform for that search term.

An example of how powerful using anchor text properly can effect the Search Engine Results Pages, is the Adobe website.

Type “click here” into the Google search engine and you will find Adobe in the first position.

Type “download here” into a Google search and you will find Apple’s website in the first position.

In both instances, if you look at the pages that Google returns for both sites; you will not find the words “click here” or “download here” on the pages.

This goes to show how the search engines are using anchor text from other websites to return adobe.com and apple.com.

Just think about how many times you have clicked on “download here” for the Quick Time Viewer or “click here to download adobe reader” when you purchased a new ebook online.

Using anchor text properly, is extremely powerful when combined with search engine optimization.

Choosing the correct text is also key to your websites performance in the search engines.

These tips for using anchor text properly will improve your efforts.

  • To pick the most popular words to use your anchor text with, use a good keyword research tool.
  • To get the most from your anchor text, use “long tail keywords” or keyword phrases instead of just using single words.
  • Use multiple links with anchor text on each page of your website.  Don’t just include one link when you can find ways to include more than one anchor text link.
  • Include anchor text links within the body of your content.
  • Don’t over use anchor text keywords.  Keep focused on only two to four anchor text terms throughout your website.  Focusing on more keywords can dilute your efforts.

Here is an example of correctly formatting and using anchor text properly.

<a href=”http://www.ancientromancoins.com/”>Roman Republic Coins</a>

The web address (http://www.ancientromancoins.com/) is placed between the ” “s and the keyword description (Roman Republic Coins) is placed between > </a>.

If you’re not already publishing ezines, blogs, and articles with your website’s anchor text included, you need to start doing so immediately if not sooner.

Using anchor text properly
can quickly climb your website to the top of the search engine results pages and give your site the traffic it rightly deserves.

Reader Comments

Very good explanation of the correct way to use anchor text. Short, sweet and to the point.

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