Google: Explore Google Hot Searches For Niche Ideas

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on December 24, 2011
Posted Under: Google

google-trends-logoGoogle Hot Searches is a part of Google Trends that reflects what hot topics people are actually searching for on Google, on a daily basis.

Instead of showing the most popular generic search terms like “weather” or in the case of Holidays, “Halloween costumes”; Google Hot Searches looks for queries that reflect a sudden surge in popularity.

These searches are updated on an hourly basis and analyzed by an algorithm which then displays deviations from historic traffic patterns.

All inappropriate material or spam is filtered out and not included in the search results.

For every search that is initiated, Google Hot Searches provides the user with all related searches along with a Search Volume Index graph.

It also displays all new news articles, blog posts, and web results that could explain why a particular search may be appearing on the Hot Searches list.

Google Hot Searches also allows you to select historic dates to see what the top Hot Searches were for that particular date.  Just click “change date” to get the historic results for a prior time frame.

During any given day, numerous search queries experience sudden surges in popularity.

Because Google Hot Searches only highlights only the top 40 search queries, it’s not perfect by any means.

Sudden upcoming surges in popularity during the day may not be included in the updated top search results.

You can click on “More Hot Searches” to access the most current top 40 searches or click “Site Feed” after you click on “More Hot Searches” to get a list through a feed.

In short, Google Hot Searches provides users with a snapshot of what’s on the public’s collective mind by viewing the fastest rising searches for specific points in time.

Because Hot Searches are updated hourly, you will be able to:

  1. See what today’s top 40 fastest rising search queries in the United States are.
  2. Select a recent date in history to see what the top rising searches were then.
  3. See what the search activity looks like over the course of any given day.

For Internet marketers looking for popular up to the minute ideas to market their products, Hot Searches in combination with Google Trends are valuable, if not essential marketing tools.

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