Facebook: Some Free Facebook Marketing Opportunities You Need To Know About
Of the many free Facebook marketing opportunities you need to know about, the following ways to advertise your business are suggested as the most productive.
All you need once you’ve set up your free Facebook account to maximize your advertising, is the ability to be creative.
Here are some the free Facebook marketing opportunities that you can get creative with.
- The Facebook Marketplace
Facebook’s Marketplace is frequently used by College students to find roommates, used books, and scout for cheap used furniture for their pads.
Creative business owners can advertise their products and services here, or even use the Marketplace to search for new employees.
- Your Profile Page
One of the free Facebook marketing opportunities that is often overlooked by business owners, is the Facebook profile page. Don’t underestimate it’s effectiveness.
All members get their own Facebook profile page when they sign up for their free account. Here you can upload pictures, your business logo, your business URL, and any other information about your company that you think will encourage friends to visit your business.
- Facebook Groups
Use the Groups feature to network with your target niche audience. Using the Groups feature, you can create a group for your business to create a “buzz” about your product or services; or you can join an existing group to promote your business.
- Networks
You can lose a lot of business if you neglect to list the city that your business is located in, your market niche or industry, your neighborhood, or any other pertinent information that potential customers or business partners need to know in order to find your business. Don’t ignore the Networks question when you create your company’s profile.
- The Facebook Events Application
The next time you want to advertise a company function event; use the free Facebook Events app. You’ll find it more effective and economical than printing flyers, mailers, or other conventional advertising methods.
- The Facebook Badge Feature
The customizable Facebook Badge feature, allows your Facebook friends to be linked to your business website. It is a way to share your Facebook information on other websites.
- The FunWall
The FunWall allows you to keep in close contact with all your Facebook friends. You can create messages or send greetings to all your friends at one time using this feature.
- The Inbox
Facebook’s Inbox allows you to send secure, private messages to all your clients if you choose or just to individual contacts.
- The Top Friends Network
The Top Friends Network can be used as a marketing tool to group your contacts demographically, and to effectively reach your businesses best customers very quickly.
- Facebook Notes Application
You can use the Facebook Notes application as a marketing tool to post your company’s important news information. With it you can post messages, links, photos, or anything else you would like to promote your business.
There are many other free Facebook marketing opportunities you can create to promote your business if you just use your imagination.