Craigslist Marketing: Why People Use Craigslist

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on December 22, 2010
Posted Under: Craigslist Marketing

craigslist_logo1Although people use Craigslist for a variety of reasons, they can be broken down into three main categories.

  • Advertising Goods And Services
  • Meeting People
  • Job Hunting

Advertising Goods And Services With Craigslist

Because Craigslist reaches such a vast audience, business have found it to be the perfect place to advertise their products and services.

Craigslist is one of the earliest examples of a website built through word of mouth marketing. Around ten years ago, Craigslist started increasing their popularity throughout the United States with their local area listings.

Since then, they have added other countries to their listings and have become an even more popular advertising site.  Craigslist has expanded its geographic presence to 200 cities and is currently the number 7 ranked site in the US; the 25th ranked site globally.

Business have found Craigslist advertising attractive for three primary reasons.

  • With over 12 million visitors per month who generate almost 5 billion page views; there is no need for businesses to drive traffic to the site.
  • Businesses can reach a much larger, laser targeted audience.
  • Business advertising is virtually free.

If your advertisements are thoughtfully written with particular attention paid to keyword optimization and your anchor text links; the amount of traffic you can receive from only a handful of advertisements is absolutely incredible.

Meeting People On Craigslist

Many people use Craigslist to meet new people, and on Craigslist you can do it in several ways.

You can use the personals section to connect with others for dating, or just to foster some good personal friendships.  You must be 18 years of age to use the personals section, but if you do everything right and take the proper precautions; the personals are relatively safe to use.  Use common sense when meeting people in the personals section.

Many people prefer to make use of the many niche discussion forums that are available on Craigslist to meet other people. By joining in on the discussion forums that you have an interest in, you will be able to meet people who share your same philosophies and interests.  Discussion forums are safer to use than the personals, but can become spam outlets.

Job Hunting On Craigslist

Craigslist is one of the best places online for finding work and many people use Craigslist exclusively for this purpose.

People use Craigslist
to find their job of choice by using the search function to identify and locate specific jobs in each category.

New job opportunities are posted on Craigslist every day, so it’s best to check the job boards daily.

Although you can post your CV/resume on Craigslist, it’s never a good idea to post your personal contact information online. Providing your email address to potential employers so they can contact you, is a much safer plan.

When people use Craigslist they should take particular care to avoid scammers and people who could use your personal information.  Like any other website with a huge following, identity theft and scams are a definite possibility.  Read up on the personal safety tips and how to protect yourself from scams before putting too much of your personal information online.

In general, when people use Craigslist and follow all their rules they seldom run into any problems using the site.

Learn How People Use Craigslist Advertising Here.

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