Common Mistakes Writers Make When Submitting To Article Directories
Posted Under: Article Marketing Information
There are some common mistakes writers make when submitting to article directories that are easy to identify and correct.
Information based marketing is one of the oldest, and most effective methods for getting targeted traffic to your website.
This partially explains the upsurge in popularity of article writing, submissions, and publications.
Although there are many article distribution tools available to make the process of gaining exposure for your articles easier, that is only part of the story.
Here are some common mistakes writers make when submitting their works to article directories.
Don’t confuse the reason you are writing your article with the reason to promote it.
There are three main benefits to promoting articles, in article writing
- Branding
- Generating Leads
- Website Promotion
All of your optimization efforts should be concentrated to enhance these benefits.
On the other hand, the only reason to write an article is to inform your audience.
If your article fails to properly inform your audience; you will fail in your goal to achieve the three main benefits of article promotion.
It’s obvious that you need to get people to first read the contents of your article, and then get them to click on links in your resource box.
The best way to do this is by creating outstanding article content.
Another common mistake writers make when submitting to article directories, is failure in maximizing the promotional opportunities that are available with article marketing.
One of the main reasons you write articles, is to generate links back to your website.
Are you aware that you can also get better search engine results, and attract more visitors to your website from that same article?
Keywords, or keyword phrases should be front loaded into your title, first paragraph of your content, and in your resource box.
You can even use them in your anchor text to good advantage.
The trick is not to overuse keywords, to the point that your article becomes so difficult to read, it doesn’t convey the meaning you are trying to inform your audience about.
The purpose of your article is to have it picked up by other publishers for republication, as well as to attract back links to your website.
Having your article republished will increase your readership, and exponentially increase your web traffic, as long as the quality of your work is satisfactory.
One common mistake writers make when submitting to article directories, is publishing content that doesn’t help their readers.
During the process of writing your article, you can’t just think about getting links back to your site and forget about satisfying your audience.
Not all article directories will automatically accept your article.
Most have guidelines, and specifications that must be adhered to.
If you remember to write articles that benefit people first, you can just about double the number of sites that you can submit to.
When you write articles that directories want to share with other individuals, you always have the possibility of a publisher with several thousand readers picking up your article and republishing it.
If you want article writing to successfully work to your best advantage, write articles that publishers want in their publications.
This means that you need to adhere to the standard guidelines, spell checking, and article research to produce good content that publishers want.
Avoiding the common mistakes writers make when submitting to article directories, will put your articles in a position to be picked up by a publisher with the potential to virally market your website.