Basic Search Engine Optimization Still Focuses On Content

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on January 9, 2010
Posted Under: Search Engine Optimization

Basic search engine optimization will not necessarily get your website ranked first in the search engine queries; but it will enable the search engine robots to crawl and index the content of your website much easier.

Over the long haul, basic search engine optimization will gradually have a positive impact on your website users experience, and your performance in the organic search engine results.

First, you should always base your optimization decisions on what is best for visitors of your website.

You always need to remember that your website visitors are the main consumer of your content, and that the only reason they are using the search engines, is to find your specific information on the Internet.

When you focus too heavily on tweaking your website to improve your ranking in the organic search engine results; the engine itself may not provide you with the targeted audience that you are looking for.

Basic search engine optimization optimizes your website for the search engines, but the real objective, is to get the maximum amount of visibility on the Internet for your specific niche product, or service.

Basic search engine optimization starts with the naming of your website.

It should be targeted, and niche specific. For instance “Tom’s Antique Fishing Lures”

Select a domain name that incorporates your business or website name.

In this case it could be named “”, or if the domain is already taken, use “”

Your website description should be focused on antique fishing lures, articles or antique fishing lures, fishing lure prices, rarity, and newsworthy content.

Create a unique, very specific page title for your main page, and every additional page you later create on your website. Make sure that the title explains what the page is all about.

Use brief titles, or the search engines won’t be able to display it all on the search results page.

Basic search engine optimization practices also include making your website easy for users to navigate. It’s also a good idea to place a sitemap on your website.

The most important thing you can do for basic search engine optimization, is to always provide quality content on your website.

Your website visitors will always know quality content when they see it.

So more than anything else, the most important thing you can do to increase the visibility of your website on the Internet, is to create compelling, useful content for your visitors.

Organic, word of mouth dissemination is what will build your website’s reputation with both your visitors, and the search engines.

Promoting your website through social media sites, forums, blogs, or even emails, will over time increase your presence on the Internet.

However, without first providing quality content to your users; no amount of basic search engine optimization, or word of mouth promoting will do you much good.

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