Viral Marketing: Which Viral Marketing Strategies Work Best?

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on May 22, 2009
Posted Under: Viral Marketing Strategies

The viral marketing strategies that provide the most spectacular results, almost always begin with the word FREE.

Fee software, free awards, free email accounts, free web space, free ecards, free graphics, free banners, free templates, free consultation, free newsletters, free bonuses, free ebook, free auto responder services, free email course, free article directories, free guest book, along with discussion boards, joint ventures and just about anything else a good marketer can entertain in their fertile imaginations.

As you can see, with this many possibilities, it’s very difficult determining which viral marketing strategy works best.  They all work extremely well when properly executed.

Just what is viral marketing and how does it work?

Well, viral marketing is any marketing strategy that uses existing social networks to disseminate mostly free items, with your message and your website link included, to users of the network; and then permitting the users to send the information to others.

As the name correctly implies, viral marketing behaves exactly like any virus.

The marketing message that you introduced with your free promotion, spreads like a flu throughout the social network, infecting everyone who comes in contact with it.  Perhaps infecting is a poor choice of words, but it works in precisely the same manner.

The purpose is to circulate your promotional message to as many people as possible without spending a dime on conventional advertising.

Viral marketing strategies create a phenomenal amount of sales leads, targeted traffic, and one way links to your website in very short time line.

All viral marketing strategies are powerful  generators of targeted website traffic.

When offering a free product, it should fill a potential client’s need, be a high quality item, and offer true value to your customer.

When sufficient thought is given to the creation of your free offering, and it is coupled with a legitimate high quality product, any of the viral marketing strategies indicated above work great.

The viral marketing strategy you choose should be the one your are most comfortable working with.

If you want to learn how to exploit viral marketing techniques, then CLICK HERE for more information.

Reader Comments

Thanks for the information

Interesting article.

Written By Linda on June 18th, 2009 @ 4:20 pm

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