Viral Marketing Elements You Should Know Before You Begin
Posted Under: Viral Marketing Strategies
There are some basic viral marketing elements you should familiarize yourself with, before you institute your marketing strategy.
More and more businesses are using these viral marketing elements to pull in their share of the market.
It’s better to learn the basic elements of viral marketing before aggressively developing your marketing plan.
Do your homework first, and do it right, for a successful outcome.
Of the five or six generally recognized principle elements; it’s only necessary to use the ones applicable to your product. However, the more elements you can adopt to your particular business, the more effective your results will be.
- Giveaways
Of all the viral marketing elements you should know about before you begin, the first and most basic, is to FREELY give away your products or services.
The word FREE, will always arouse interest in people. When you offer a product or service for FREE, you can be sure your potential client will take advantage of the offer.
Extremely inexpensive products also work, but achieve much slower results than a freely given product.
Giveaways are usually a long term strategy, so patience is definitely a virtue when using this element for creating a customer base.
- Easily Transmitted Medium
Although the Internet, is the medium best known as the easiest mode of transmitting a viral message; emails, software downloads, blogs, and web sites are other mediums used for easy transmission.
A simple, short, easily copied, and transmitted message, is the best way to achieve the desired results using easily transmitted mediums.
- Behavior Exploitation
A Viral marketing element that exploits an individual’s motivation or behavior for it’s transmission, will be extremely effective.
Most people want to be popular with others. You exploit this motivation in people to be loved and well know, to get them to communicate with others, and spread your viral marketing message throughout their community.
- Employ Existing Social Networks
Learn to use existing social networks to spread your viral marketing message.
Most average Americans, surround themselves with from 9 to 12 close family members, friends, and associates, that comprise their close “social network”.
Each of these family members, in turn have their own sphere of friends, and associates, that constitute their “social network”.
When you consider how many of the people in these social networks use the Internet; you begin to realize just how vast the existing social network structure can get.
Learning how to exploit these existing social networks will increase your viral marketing results enormously.
- Be Prepared For Rapid Growth
One of the viral marketing elements you should be aware of before you begin, is the selection of a host server that is capable of handling an unexpected surge of traffic in a short period of time.
You don’t want to crash your server, or have your web pages loading slow due to the increase in web traffic.
When using viral marketing strategies, you need to be prepared for rapid growth in your business. It serves no purpose to generate tons of traffic, only to have your server slow down, or in extreme cases, crash.