Niche Markets: Follow Your Passion Or Follow The Money?
The most common debate among Internet marketers when researching profitable niche markets is whether to follow your passion or follow the money.
Are you better off looking for a niche market that you know something and are passionate about, or should you follow the money and go where the most money is most likely to be made?
Obviously, the best scenario is to combine both in your search for a profitable niche market.
The probability that you are more likely to succeed in going with something you have knowledge in or are passionate about is hard to find fault with.
When you already know more than the average person about the subject at hand, you are probably willing to put more effort into it and enjoy working with it.
It can be difficult to succeed and remain motivated when you know nothing about a topic and have no real interest in it.
It is also harder to create interesting content about a subject you have little interest in and that you are likely to become more easily bored.
In many cases, your audience will pick up on the fact that they know more about the topic than you do. In these instances, your audience will have no reason to listen to any advice you give them.
Many Internet marketers achieved success because they created something they were both passionate about and had some real commercial viability.
You can be as passionate about a topic as you like, but you will not make any money if there is nothing to sell or nothing to monetize.
For instance. If you are a rock hound and your hobby is rock collecting, you probably will not make much money from it regardless of your enthusiasm unless the rocks you collect are ore bearing or radioactive.
Following the money isn’t entirely a bad idea, it just means that you may have to struggle more.
If you crunch the numbers and discover a niche that has the potential to be extremely profitable, you would be foolish not to get involved in it.
However, if you know absolutely nothing about the market niche, plan to write all the content yourself and have little to no interest in the topic, there is a better than average chance you will fail in your endeavor.
There are exceptions to this..
Business minded individuals who are usually laser focused and highly motivated can successfully work on topics that the everyday person could and would not involve themselves with.
Therefore, unless you are very business minded you will probably do better focusing on niche markets that you are interested in and have some passion for, especially if it is your first online project.
Ideally, you should be able to identify a niche market that is both profitable and that you have some interest and passion in.
The first time around, the majority of Internet marketers creating niche websites and online businesses follow both their passions and the money.
After you have had some initial success, it becomes much easier to branch out into other projects where your interest level and passions are not as high.
Regardless of whether you follow your passion or follow the money, it is necessary to thoroughly research your niche before jumping into it if you plan on achieving any success at all.