List Building: 3 Things To Avoid When E-Mailing Your Opt-In Subscribers.

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on May 17, 2009
Posted Under: List Building

Electronic mail’s low cost has made it a popular medium for internet marketing.

Unfortunately, the economical cost of email has also caused a large number of companys to flood people’s in-boxes with unwanted promotional emails.

There are now rules and anti spamming laws in effect to protect the privacy of internet users from unwanted mails.  Unwanted spam is NOT what you want to be associated with when promoting your products.

When you decide to promote your business products by email; it’s best to do so by creating an opt-in list.  This list creation method relieves you of potential legal problems, as well as problems with your Internet Service Provider, (ISP).

After you have an opt-in created list, you must do more than just send your subscribers your promotional catalogs, ebooks, or newsletters.

You must work to prevent your subscribers from wanting to leave your list.  Keep your list manageable and clean with any of the many tools that are available on the internet.

People on your opt-in list have already consented to receiving your promotional materials by subscribing to your list, therefore, you have already avoided the “annoyance” factor inherent to promotional emails.

Don’t forget to incorporate an unsubscribe feature in your emails for the occasional individual who actually did not subscribe to your list.

There are instances when the real owner of an email account did not actually subscribe to your list.

A family member or someone else using the account may have used the account illegitimately.  In these instances, an opt-out is necessary to avoid any confusion with the actual owner.

Your reputation is a terrible thing to lose so keep your web site and operation squeaky clean and as legitimate as possible.

Here are 3 things to avoid when emailing your opt-in subscribers.

1 – Be sure to note bounced and other undeliverable emails.

Bounces occur for number of reasons.  Email security settings, overloaded in-boxes, busy servers, misspelled email addresses, and abandoned email addresses are just some reasons why the intended recipient did not receive your promotion.

Be sure manage your list and keep it clean.  Delete an email account from your list when it becomes idle, and try to periodically check the spelling of the email addresses on your list.  This benefits you in keeping accurate records on your recipients.

2 – Be sure to provide an unsubscribe link in your emails so subscribers can opt-out of your list.

It is very important to delete the address from your list when a subscriber asks to be unsubscribed.
You will be sending them SPAM if you continue sending emails after receiving a request to be unsubscribed.

If you ever get reported as a spammer; your business can go down the tubes.  Internet service providers may black list your business and you could lose many of your current and potential subscribers.  It’s much better losing one account than losing your entire business model.

3 – Be sure to avoid pornographic materials or other shocking content in your email newsletters.

It is impossible to accurately determine the age of a recipient on the Internet.  You will avoid countless complaints by avoiding these and other controversial issues.  Stick to your business topic and unless you business is pornography, leave it alone.

If you keep these 3 tips in mind when emailing your opt-in subscribers, you will keep a good relationship with your subscribers and reap the profits you so richly deserve.

CLICK HERE, for more information on building an opt-in list of subscribers.

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