Internet Marketing Information: Why So Many Internet Marketing Small Business Start-ups Fail

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on July 31, 2010
Posted Under: Internet Marketing Information

There are numerous reasons why so many Internet marketing small business start-ups fail, but you don’t have to follow the same path to defeat.

First of all, you need to treat your Internet Marketing small business start-up like the  conventional storefront business that it is.  The only difference is that you will not have a storefront.

Set your business up with a physical “storefront” address, which on the Internet, is your business website URL.

Don’t treat your business like a short term “get rich quick” scheme.  Remember that you’re in it for the long haul to make some serious money.

Do your due diligence and research.  Take some time before you even think about setting up your website to do some serious planning and then set up a written business plan with step by step goals that you intend to achieve.

Many Internet Marketing small business start-ups fail because their owners decided to run with their gut feelings and digress from their business plan. Others started their businesses without any business plan whatsoever and just “winged it”.

Both scenarios are paths to failure.

All Internet marketing small business start-ups fail without any clearly defined goal to follow through on.

Another reason why so many Internet marketing small business start-ups fail is because of financial issues primarily at the start up phase.

Some savvy business owners can become successful without any financial support by taking advantage of the millions of free Internet resources that are offered online.

It’s important to understand financial goals relative to the overall health of your business.

You can start a successful Internet Marketing small business online with little to no capital, if you learn about and avail yourself to these free resources.

Again, it’s important to remember that Internet Marketing as a career should NOT be treated as a get rich quick plan.

If you’re seriously thinks of going into Internet Marketing as a career; look into it as a long-range business.

One of the hardest things to learn is not to get lured into joining sites to get free bonuses like ebooks or software, that later require an upgrade to be fully functional.

Once you start the cycle, you will quickly find yourself the recipient of thousands of email offers from other online marketers.

Believe it or not, this is also why so many Internet marketing small business start-ups fail.

They become bogged down, sidetracked, and totally overwhelmed with information overload and “special One Time Only” offers that supposedly eliminates all the work necessary to succeed with your “storefront” business.

Here are a few tips to steer you in the right direction if you are interested in pursuing a career in Internet Marketing.

  • Do some thorough research on Internet Marketing before you commit yourself to a business.
  • Learn about affiliate marketing, blogging, search engines, SEO, online advertising,business websites, video marketing as well as the terminology used in the business.
  • If you still believe you can make money with Internet Marketing, sit down and prepare a thorough written business plan with your goals and your expected return.
  • Get online and search for a trustworthy Internet Marketing mentor to help guide you and provide recommendations when you inevitably run up against a wall.

In addition to these tips, you should look at yourself in the mirror and truthfully assess if you have the initiative, knowledge, self determination, desire and other traits that successful Internet Marketers possess to become successful.

These are primarily the reasons why so many Internet marketing small business start-ups fail; but since you are now armed with this knowledge, you don’t have to follow the same path.

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