How To Run People Off Your Website!
Posted Under: Website Usability
The absolute best way to run people off your website is by having background music with pop up windows.
As a webmaster you should already know how to design your website to give your visitors the best first impression possible.
Even if you have the best product or service on the Internet, you can run people off your website in a heartbeat, by having a lousy layout, accessibility design, or poor user interface.
There are some things that are done in designing websites, that become so irritating to visitors, that it will literally run people off your website.
Two of the most irritating web design offenses, that will without a doubt run people off your website, are noted below.
If your website meets the criteria below, it’s time to take corrective action immediately!
- Popup Windows
Popup windows have been overused by web designers to the point that most website visitors will automatically close them out, without even reading them.
99.99% of popup windows are used to display hyped up advertisements.
For this reason, most savvy Internet users, already have popup blockers installed on their web browsers.
For me, popup windows are so aggravating, that the ones that do get by my popup blocker, automatically get clicked out.
It’s unfortunate, that the overuse of a potentially beneficial web graphic, can cause people to instinctively click out of popup windows, that could actually have an important message to convey.
The general consensus is that popup windows are probably the most irritating web design aspect of a website.
If you have an important message to pass on to your visitors, don’t put it in a popup window!
- Looped Background Music
Next to popup windows, the best way to run people off your website, is to play continuous looping background music.
Continuous looping background music on a website, is a sure way to drive your visitor crazy.
Although your favorite background music may be pleasant, playing the same thing over and over again is akin to Chinese water torture to your visitors.
At best, the music will simply become a distraction, and your visitors will turn off their speakers.
At worst, they will leave your website to look for a more pleasant atmosphere.
A music related website can be the exception, however,if you run a website with a large number of web pages; continuous looping background music really will drive your visitors crazy, and cause you to lose business.
Think about it, every time your visitor browses to another page of your site, the same background music starts playing again.
If you really want to run people off your website; install popup windows with background music.
It’ll be a killer!
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