How To Make Money Online Using Public Domain Content
Posted Under: How To Make Money Online
Many internet marketers have sucessfully learned how to make money online using public domain content and very little else.
Creatively using public domain content along with a WordPress blog has earned many marketers four digit profits in as little as 45 days. All it takes is is a little ingeneuity, some basic training and some of your time.
Using public domain content is said to be at least ten times more effective than using Private Label Rights content, and the really good part about it, is that it’s free for the asking.
It’s a fact that nothing can beat killer content to attract visitors and search engine spiders to your website or blog. With the visitors, comes the earnings.
Using public domain content with the following technique can rake in substantial profits in a very short period of time and you can make money online long after you complete your niche site.
- After first identifying several best selling niches; do a Google search for public domain content sites.
- The search will provide you with several websites where you can begin using public domain content to build your own niche website. These websites usually offer public domain content alphabetically categorized on almost any niche topic you can think of.
- Next find three public domain books in one of the top best selling niches you identified, and set up a niche WordPress blog.
- After you have completed setting up your WordPress site, you can begin to copy and paste the content of the public domain books or articles that you found to your niche site. Spread out the posts over a period of 30 to 45 days.
- Make at least one to three posts a day and include your affiliate links to related books on Amazon, ClickBank, and Commission Junctioin. And of course you can also set up your WordPress niche site with AdSense advertising.
- Using public domain content and this business model, you can after a period of 30 to 45 days, list your blog for sale and pick up anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000 clear profit.
Anyone can follow this business model and if you are a real “go getter”; you can easily develop one of these sites a day by using the automated blog posting feature in WordPress.
As with AdSense niche sites, the more niche sites you build, the more earnings you create for yoursef.
As you build up your bank account, you can outsource most of the work and increase the amount of niche sites you put out from only one, to 5 or 6 per day.
After 30 to 45 days of cranking out 4 to 6 of these niche sites per day using public domain content; imagine how much you can be earning by flipping these sites for only $1,000 per site. This doesn’t even include what you earn from your affiliate links.
If you do the math and base it on a 45 day cycle, your earnings can be staggering.
Now that you’ve learned how to make money online using public domain content with this business model; here is something that will help you set up your WordPress blogs quickly and easily.