EBay – Save Money Using Photo Sharing Websites

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on October 14, 2009
Posted Under: eBay Business Information

EBay sellers can save money using photo sharing websites, especially when many multiple listings are being placed up for auction.

eBay crazy

eBay crazy

As an eBay seller, you already know how important pictures are in your eBay listings.

Many eBay buyers, will not buy anything unless pictures of the auction item are available for them to view.

In fact most eBay buyers prefer looking at more than one picture, before making their decision to purchase an item.

The problem with posting a large number of pictures on eBay, is that it can get pretty expensive over a period of time.

EBay allows the seller, one free picture per listing, and charges extra for any additional pictures.

Believe me you can go broke uploading multiple pictures; especially if you have a large number of listings.

Coin and artifact dealers, who routinely list hundreds of items on eBay, can actually lose money with seller’s fees.

There is a way to give your customers what they want, and still keep your wallet in your back pocket, safe from eBay’s extra charges.

Give photo sharing websites a try!

You can save money using photo sharing websites that allow you to post your digital pictures anywhere online.

Although most users share their pictures with friends and relatives; many savvy internet users save money using photo sharing websites, by reducing their eBay seller’s fees.

  • First you need to take pictures of your eBay items, and upload them to your computer.
  • You then upload the photos, to the photo sharing website of your choice.
  • After you select the pictures you want to use in your eBay auction listing; you should be able to find a link that will generate an HTML code.

Most photo sharing websites will show you which HTML code links to use for eBay.

  • Copy the HTML code, paste it into the description of your eBay auction listing, and you’re ready to go!

Your pictures should appear in the location where you pasted the code.

Every EBay seller can save money using photo sharing websites by using this technique!

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