E-mail Etiquette: 5 Important Tips – Part 1

This post was written by Internet Marketing John on June 30, 2009
Posted Under: E-Mail Marketing

E-mail etiquette is just as important in online communications, as it is in offline paper communications.

With the advent of new social applications like Twitter, Skype, MSN Chat and Facebook, a lot of us forget that e-mail, is still the most often used means of communication in our business and personal lives.

E-mail etiquette is something that most of us seldom consider when writing to our close friends and relations; probably because it’s not really all that important in these type communications.

However, I’m appalled at the number of emails I get from people I am not intimately associated with, that write to me as if they were one of my dearest high school friends that I grew up with.

I get way too many sloppy, familiar, and downright disrespectful emails from affiliate marketers, merchants, and other businesses that apparently believe that sort of familiarity  will get them a response.

Remember, that the first impression you make with your reader, is how they will regard you from that moment on.

How you communicate in your emails, demonstrates your professionalism and capabilities to your readers.

When a merchant or marketer sends me a sloppy,rambling, familiar email, it indicates to me, that the person emailing me is also unkempt and sloppy, and probably somebody I  really don’t want to associate with in a business environment.

E-mail etiquette is essential, so here are 5 important tips to polish up your emails and make them appear more professional to your readers.

1 – Use your subject line for your subject.

Use your subject line to state the theme for your message. Be specific and concise.  If your reader can’t tell what your email is about by reading the subject line, then why should they waste time reading your email?

The subject of an email is like the title of an article, and should possess the same characteristics.  Grab the reader’s attention, and hold it long enough for them to read the rest of your email.

A good subject line also enables the reader to easier locate your email for future reference.

2. Make Good Use Of Your Signature Box

Every email program now allows for the creation of a custom signature at the end of your email message.

Using it properly will leave your reader with the impression that he is dealing with a professional.

Include your full name, Company name, position, business fax and phone number, and web address in your signature box for a professional presentation.

Make your signature relatively brief, and refrain from using HTML coding.  Some email clients block HTML coding, so it’s better not to mess with it.

With the advent of social sites, some people include their Twitter or Facebook link in the signature box, however that’s a call you need to test.

For More On E-mail Marketing, CLICK HERE.

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