Niche Marketing Defined

Niche marketing can be defined as the purchasing, or selling of a product or service, in a highly specialized market area, where a demand is present. Broken down into common English, it means that your product is being marketed to the people who are most interested in purchasing it; not to everyone in the universe! […]

SEO Requires Targeted Keyword Selection

Maximized SEO requires targeted keyword selection in order to be totally effective. Because SEO (Search Engine Optimizing) is based on providing your potential customers with quality content, that is directly related to their search queries, targeted keyword selection is always a primary consideration. It is imperative that the content found in your website’s web pages, […]

Hide Your Affiliate Links And Protect Your Affiliate Marketing Commissions

The best way to protect your affiliate marketing commissions from online theft, is to hide your affiliate links. Although you can purchase software online, at reasonable prices, to “cloak” you affiliate links,    the effectiveness of these software programs vary greatly. It’s a good idea to look into these programs, and learn as much as possible, […]