How Are Linkbait Hooks Used?

Linkbait hooks, are gimmicks used to grab people’s interest, and get them to comment on, and link to your website’s content. In essence,  A linkbait hook is nothing more than a strategy, that entices people to click through to your website. When married to social media sites, linkbait hooks are also used to attract positive […]

Twitter Is Good For Businesses

You know that Twitter is good for business, when both Google, and Bing, begin to index Tweets in the search engine results. Although we’re not sure how they are going to accomplish it; last week, both Google and Bing, made their announcements to that effect. If you need to be convinced that Twitter is good […]

Affordable Internet Marketing Strategies

Affordable Internet marketing strategies are available to anyone trying to develop their online business. With just the click of a mouse, and a targeted Google search; a business owner can have at his disposal, volumes of affordable internet marketing strategies to use to broadcast his message across the Internet. Developing and promoting your business online, […]